Needing support…

Day 25…Thanksgiving…all I want to do is drink, numb all of these feelings I’m trying so desperately to push down. With friends, with an ex I’m trying to be friends with, people I don’t know. I just want to escape. It’s that feeling, the lump in my throat, the pit in my stomach. I really hope this passes.


hello, can you remove yourself from this situation? it seems it’s too early to be in a socially challenging environment for you this early in sobriety. hell, that would make me uncomfortable too and I’m 3.5yrs sober…

don’t blame yourself, just try and do the right thing. what do you need right now? what would provide comfort? how can you get it?

play the tape forward: if you drink, will you feel better? what will happen? how will you feel tomorrow?

breathe. you’re ok. it’s not nice, but it’s not life threatening. you can do this.


Step outside. Get some fresh air. Go for a walk.

You don’t have to be all the things today. There is just one thing to manage today… don’t drink.

Play the tape forward and look ahead to rest and no hangover.

Just one thing, just for now.


That sounds really uncomfortable, I am so glad you posted here. Are these people at your house? Is it possible you can get out and take a walk? Or better yet, just go home and rest, if you aren’t at home.

Please don’t drink. You will wake up feeling way way worse and filled with regret. I know you don’t want that. Remember why you started this journey…to feel good about yourself, was likely some of it.



public holidays are emotional triggers.
First of all, be sure, it will pass!
Drinking after these amazing 25 days you already made won’t let you escape.
It will put you back down where you didn’t want to be anymore. As i can expect cause you decided to quit!
Don’t hang around with guys that are not committed, you deserve something much better! Get your head up. I know what I am talking about.
And it won’t make you escape either.
Sobriety is the escape.

We are here for you.
You can spit out what you want.

Stay on your path girl!

Love and hugs :black_heart::panda_face::hugs:


….all of these words mean everything to me. Typical me wants to isolate, deal with all of this/these uncomfortable feelings on my own. I know where that leaves me, at the bottom of a bottle or 3. I’m taking myself outside, going to get some fresh air and try and breathe through this. Thank you all so so much.


keep checking in here until you are safe and sober back home tonight. someone will be here to read and respond.

you can do this Erin and you will.


I will…and thank you so much❤️


Enjoy your walk!!! :heart:


I agree with everyone else so far get some distance from the situation and breathe :blush: Great job reaching out keep doing it!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


If it gets to be too much, leave. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. Tell the host or hostess that you have a headache or a stomach ache and withdraw. It won’t be a big deal. The gathering will go on. You need to protect your sobriety.


…Made it home, didn’t drink, but still have anxiety through the roof. Going to take a long bath, watch some reality TV and hopefully end this day without picking up.

I can’t tell you all how much your messages helped me get through today, thank you, thank you so much❤️


I am SO proud of you :heart:


It sounds like you made it through a difficult day without drinking. Proud of you. I know anxiety is hard to deal with. Have you tried counting your breath just to slow things down to a manageable level? There are some apps you could try like Breathe and Insight Timer offers a lot. Please don’t drink you’ve made it this far you can keep going day by day. I know you can Erin.


Been reading here im glad you made it home safe and sober you have that to be thankful for. God Bless you and great work.


You will wake up feeling so great im so proud you made it through.
Well done :hugs:


Thank you!! I hate that I have such trouble reaching out, so I’m super thankful for this community making me feel comfortable enough to be able to❤️


Just woke up over here. Could not be more proud of you @Erin3 you did everything right, from reaching out to taking suggestions. A fucking plus. That’s how you grow your sober muscles! :grin::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:


Thank you @Faugxh !! I appreciate you! Going to keep this message in mind today, and keep growing :muscle:t3::muscle:t3: Day 26, let’s goooo!


This is awesome! These situations can be so tough, and intense anxiety can be really difficult to manage if your toolbox mostly consists of drinking, which seems to be a common theme among folks. I’m so proud of you for recognizing it, reaching out, and doing what you need to do for yourself. One of the best things I’ve ever figured out is that I’m not obligated to do a dang thing I don’t want to do, and No is one of my new favorite words. If I don’t want to go do something, I don’t. Whoever invited me still love me. If I do go and then it’s a bit much I know I can leave whenever I want and they’ll still love me. It’s weird, but knowing that I can say no, or leave, or whatever I want makes it easier to say Yes to things and also to decide whether sub-optimal events are worth the effort and discomfort, if that makes sense.