New and happy to be in recovery

Hello my name is Chasity I’m new to this community and would love to connect with someone and find a sponsor that’s I can relate to and also keep me on my toes call me out on any bs. I’m 95 days clean and sober. Still new in recovery but really trying to learn the best I can. I’ve been doing allot of reading but really need to start on my step work. I’ve been told it’s best to have a sponsor when doing step work. Thanks I guess that’s all


Congrats on your sobriety! You have made a great decision…


Welcome to the forum. This is a great place for community, wisdom and education.

Re sponsorship, check out this thread:

How to get a sponsor? What is a sponsor?

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95 days is amazing Congratulations :sparkler: and a huge welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman: