New around here….can not seem to kick the habit fully

I am new to this. I tried to quit several times but start back up.

I’m triggered by stress, boredom etc.

I feel like I am not fun if a beverage in my hand.

I have lost friends, money and time because of it.

I don’t know what my life looks like without alcohol.


Hi, welcome. Have you thought of going to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting?


Hi, welcome. I too thought I would never ever be able to stop drinking. But it is possible! You never have to feel like this again. You already mentioned two things that you know trigger you so work on them. Throw out all booze in the house and keep busy. You have to want it more than anything else. There is so much support and advice on here, use this place to help you. I wish you well :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Welcome Rachel.
This is a great community for help and support. Read a lot. Join in when your comfortable.

I hope to see you around.


Meet new friends at meetings wish you well


It will be ok, that’s what I found. I had a hard time quitting and staying stopped, too, and largely because I didn’t know how I would live without it. But when I came to believe that everything was going to be alright, and only that, without knowing the details, when I came to have that minimum of faith in a better life, that’s when I was able to get sober and get help to stay sober.

I used Antabuse, individual counseling, and AA meetings to get myself turned around. If you are willing to try, despite any misgivings you may have, that willingness will get you through.

Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your sobriety.

Here’s a thread full of ideas for you :


To be honest, a lot of us probably thought this in the beginning. For me, getting sober was more than not drinking. It was about re-learning how to live. I stayed super active on here, stayed busy, 90 days in, I went to AA.


Yes. I’ve been to some. I haven’t found the right meeting.

You’re off to a good start by being here. I am also struggling with kicking alcohol completely out of my life. I’m tired of feeling like shit, being unreliable because I’m hungover or drunk, unproductive, etc. for me the bad outweighs any good I thought it brings so I’m here trying everyday to remember that and build new, better habits! Just joined this platform and hoping it helps keep me on track with people that want the same thing as me because I quickly realized my “friends” and even family do not understand and unfortunately have selfish motives for keeping the drinking Lu!

One day at a time! :heart:


Thank you!!!

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