* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Anytime, it’s what we do. We’ve been there, we are still there. When I am low I’m sure you will have the right words for me too.

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75 days sober.Hope everyone has a great weekend :v:t2:


Checking in day 5. Last overnight shift for the week. Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend :purple_heart:


Day 14

What is up with this app?


Thank you for that encouragement. I’m finding myself feeling frustrated and angry right now. I really FBT to escape my reality but that’s not an option. I’ll be going to bed early tonight, that’s for sure.

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Continuing the discussion from Day Counter Incorrect on iPhone (SOLVED):

I’m 8 days into recovering from my addiction to compulsive overeating.

I’m grateful for years of sobriety from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. I am fortunate to never be around anyone using these substances. It makes my recovery so much easier day to day.

It’s a daily balancing act of being flexible and mindful about my food.


Checking in day 4… I’m having anxiety over it being the weekend. Especially Sunday because I wont have my son…
I just want it to be Monday already


I didnt mind the cliche , i needed that reminder…
Thank you


I’m here… not much more… struggling. I know struggling as I’ve done it for a long long time. I have too much to lose and too much to be thankful for. Lazy and weak and lazy… too lazy to think of a third adjective… I’m not going anywhere. Just checking in. I enjoy your company.


keep up the good work everyone! One day at a time is all we can do :heart:


Love this :grinning::call_me_hand:


Day 350. With the family for the weekend and even feeling patient and calm with some individuals that I often struggle with. Feeling relaxed and enjoying the natural beauty.


Day 17
The best days of my Life are yet to come.

  1. Well I had the urge to make a drink tonight with my husband. My thought was “why not, it’s not going to hurt anything” but I did not do it. I drank a Bang instead and ate a bunless burger. Then I came here to read some to get my mind back straight. Hope everyone is enjoying there sober evening or whatever hour it is wherever you are.
  1. Checking in. Can’t sleep.



Feeling gut. Kind of energized. I’ve simplified my life and am not worrying about much for the time being. Hope it will continue. Stay awesome peeps!!!


What about a rehab or an IOP? Maybe a therapist or a different one if you already go.
You had a whole bunch of sober days before so you know you can do it. Get yourself a kickstart.
I know you already do meetings. Maybe it’s time to try something else. I dunno. I hope to see you succeed Charlie.


Checking in at day 193.
I’ve had cravings and fantasized today.

Now, I’m happy for those those that are enjoying this journey seeing a lot of positive benefits and not craving. I really am happy for them.

I guess my journey has been a bit different. It’s not been easy. And it’s not been fun.

I must admit that it’s better than acting out. I do miss my fix at times. But I never regret my decision to stay sober, ever.

And I could never do this without help. I need a lot of help. Thank you everyone here at TS. I still feel weak. And I still lack self control. That’s ok. With help, I can stay sober today.

  1. Coffee. Last work week before holidays is about to start. I’m sober and clean. I’m very happy with that. I love going to meetings. But I’m beginning to feel more and more 12 steps isn’t for me. Wish there was smart recovery here but nope. Will try some online stuff. I do need to work my sobriety. This place helps for sure. Thanks for being here all. Love from Amsterdam.
    @KevinesKay we stay sober together here friend. Thanks for being here. Alone it’s too much. Love.