New guy just trying to stay sober

Just downloaded this app, I’m now on day three, I relapsed after 92 days, and struggled to get past day one so many times, but I’m feeling the time is right and I need to get back on my sobriety journey.

I had been a functioning alcoholic for 20 years, had a good job, wife, kids, everything appeared to be great in life, apart from ignoring my own health issues, mental illnesses and ignoring all the signs I needed help. I lost my wife and the life I new, became lonely and hit alcohol hard, then lost my job, finally after an incident I reached out and got sober, all was going well until I relapsed. I struggled after that to get past day one, but here I am day three. More determined than ever this will be a new beginning.


Welcome Sean, lots of support here to help you on this journey!


I’m on day 3 with you. You’re not alone… Reach out any time. I really need this time to stick.


Hey there Sean, so glad you’re here and congratulations on your sobriety. This place has been an integral part of my recovery. The search bar at the top let’s you seek out threads that pertain to you ( sober Saturday nights or recovery books, questions about meetings, dealing with the anxiety etc etc etc) for me it was helpful to dive into this place as much as I could, especially if I was ever craving. So glad you’re here.:yellow_heart:

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Hi Sean…welcome back to sobriety! Proud you are here!

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Welcome. I was a “functioning” alcoholic for decades. Hindsight being what it is, “functioning” for me was living the bare minimum. 2 things changed that…this forum and AA.


Welcome Sean!! I’m so glad you found us. Reading a lot of other’s stories and advice on here helps me. I look forward to interacting and getting to know you better.


Thankyou, every sober day is a step in the right direction for us all. :heart:


It took me so long to realise my problem, so many friends would say there is nothing wrong with a man coming home from work and enjoying a couple drinks, they just never realised it was never a couple.


Thats what tripped me up… It was never just 1…it.was 7 er…until the bottle (s) were empty. For me it is ALWAYS the first drink…after that I lose all will power. Because I honestly had no power over it. So I choose everyday to not even have the 1 drink or I know I will spiral.


Hey, Sean! Welcome! I hope you find the forum here helpful to your goal of staying sober. Congrats on day 3. You’re not far from a week now - and some of the worst withdrawal symptoms should be just about behind you.

Don’t focus too much on your relapse; I know I’ve found relapsing in the past to be a time where I’m very disappointed in myself and feel like I have failed - only sometimes to pull myself into that darkness more rather than focus on getting out.

Keep your head up and remember we’re all here to chat and hangout if you find yourself in a tricky situation during your journey. :+1:

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Hi, welcome! :pray:t2::two_hearts:

Welcome!! I struggled for many years as well. I applaud your tenacity and desire to get healthy and heal.