New here. First time I have actually tried to get help

Let’s do it! I’m finally determined to push through this time!

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Hi there are also online meetings that i find helpful, the one i use is the 24hr marathon meeting, you can just be there and listen with audio and camera off and get comfortable with the idea.

Its on zoom so you just use the code I:D

292 371 2604

Also if you use the search bar for online meetings threads there is help to find lots of other meetings.

Take care :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome Don.
Congratulations on your 11 days.
I could never quit on my own. Or STOP drinking. The support I get here is so helpful. I use to go to meetings a long time ago.
One tip I’ll give ya. Not all meetings are the same. My first couple of different meetings just didn’t feel right. But I kept looking. I needed to find my tribe. Eventually I found a meeting I loved and couldn’t wait for Thursday nights. I let my heart tell me when to join in.
I’m glad your here.
Hope to see you around.


Oh awesome thanks! Is the marathon meeting a 24hr a day thing??

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Thanks!! I definitely want to be able to associate with people in the meeting. I know everyone has a different story but I definitely want to find those people that have had similar experiences to me. I think just sitting in some meetings and listening may be a good thing.


Here’s a link to all sorts of recovery types if your interested.



@RoughHarbor You just show up a few minutes early and sit down. If you’re called on u can say “pass” or just say your first name only and alcoholic. If it’s AA just say Alcoholic, but at NA meeting say Addict. I wouldn’t say both Alcoholic and Addict together at either meeting. People can get touchy about identifying with both at a meeting. If you do want to share, try to keep it short until you’ve been to a few meetings. Also, main point…stay after the meeting to get a few phone numbers of people you identified with in the meeting. Feel free to ask them afterward for number. Most people will be happy to share number. And give them your number. Do stick with your own sex. Men get help from men, women from women. Also, it is free, but they do rent the space and need funds for that, so put $1 in the basket when it’s passed around. More if you’re
As you can see, I’m an Alcoholic and love to push the program of AA :+1:


Welcome, I’ve been with the community for about 2 months, I’m 102 days AF today. This site is great for venting, support, and general understanding of addiction to help us achieve our goals. Stick with it and it will give you an edge with quitting


Keep going! 11 days is a big deal


Its 24 hrs, 7 days a week. Iv spent 2 hours earlier just listening others. Day and night

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Thanks. I’m trying!!

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Wow that’s really cool!! I’m gonna try that out. thanks again!!

Awesome Clean time

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Thanks I made it 5.5 yrs before relapsing years ago so i know im capable. Im trying so hard

Fk yah u can if u made it that long…ull crush it. We’re only human and nobody walks on water… let that shit go if your hanging on to it and put one foot in front of the other brotha.

Yeah it was sad I had one slip up and that costs me years, I’m at it again. And hopefully the last time. I’m going to be 45 and don’t want to live my second half of life with hangovers anymore.

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I’m 39 and now worried about my health and dying… I just found out yesterday another buddy growing died alone in his bathroom from fent… idk why I was never able to cope with life without the buffer of drugs…I know hurt was a big reason but it makes me feel weak compared to the others crushing life… I try and remind myself and keep in mind I’m only at 17 days and this is my longest in 8 years that this storm is going to run out of rain and I’ll come out the other end. . Our family and kids deserve us to not be in drugs and alcohol. I’m proud of you… took me a very long time to get nowhere near your clean time your a tough sob.


Very proud of you for reaching out! I have never been to meeting either but I think you can speak when you are ready, good luck!

11 days is great. Keep it up!

Check put some online AA meetings and then when your more comfortable attend a real one… I personally love the online meeting as we meet people all over the world and connect and help each other :sparkling_heart:
Good luck!