New here :)

Welcome! And most excellent congratulations on your 30 days of freedom.

I hope you explore this community and find lots of resources to support you. I’ve been here just over a year and I can tell you that it is an amazing group of people who are committed to helping each other one day at a time.

Moving to a new area means you have no choice but to form new habits. Forming new habits is hard work, but once they are in place and bring you comfort, it is much easier to live without alcohol. I encourage you to concentrate on good sleep habits, good nutrition, some exercise, and some healthy ways to have fun. You have been through a lot and you deserve to take good care of yourself.

I hope you have a lovely Sunday. Welcome!


Welcome!! It is so inspiring seeing a young person take their life in their hands and really work toward a healthy healing way of living!!! Congratulations to you!!! Glad you are here!!!


Thank you! I am so grateful to be here. 30 days seems like such a short amount of time when I think about it sometimes, but then I have to remind myself it’s the longest I have gone without alcohol in 10 years so it’s actually huge :slight_smile:
Thanks for the encouragement! Have a wonderful day.


Thank you Dylan! That was my goal, to treat this as a gift to myself for my birthday. I can’t imagine a better gift than all the things I am slowly accomplishing.
Appreciate you being here and the warm welcome. Have a good day!


Thank you Menno! I am so grateful to have this app as a tool. I moved into the remote forest and in person meeting options are 90 mins from me so having this as an alternative is beyond amazing.

Looking forward to many more months of meeting new sober people and building a new community that supports my lifestyle.

Hope you are having an awesome weekend :heart:


Thank you so much friend! :heart: Looking forward to many more milestones in the future!


Thanks so much. It feels amazing to be here. Finally starting to see big changes in my overall mental state, physical changes (Helllooo glowing skin!?) and for the first time in years I feel like my sleep is actually restorative. Happy to be here and can’t wait to look back and celebrate many more changes. :sparkles::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Welcome Jamie!! Glad to have u here :slight_smile: Thank u for sharing!


Absolutely, you really are among friends here, i credit this site with my 69 days sober so far…some amazing people on here plus there are people from all over the world… so many different perspectives and there is always someone to talk to 24/7, your on the right track :blush:


Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement. I feel so dang happy to be here and to have (almost) made it to 30 days. The withdrawal phase has really started to wear off and I’m noticing more and more positive changes.

My new town is very remote and alcohol is not very big here. It’s so interesting coming from one of the biggest drinking cities in the country to a place where people could give a hoot about drinking (everyone here loves marijuana but I’m not a fan) so it’s been a fairly easy transition in many ways. The closest alcohol is about a 35 minute drive for me and with these gas prices… it’s not even worth it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Looking forward to making new connections here and in my new town and I’m so grateful for all the support this far.



Welcome to our community @JDHealing which will soon become to feel like your family :family: Congratulations on 30 days of sobriety. What a beautiful gift you have given yourself on your birthday. Each birthday from now on will be even more special as it will also be the anniversary of the day you set yourself free from alcohol. You are not alone in this Jamie. So proud of your commitment and look forward to getting to know you better
Ree :heart:


congrats on making all these awesome changes for yourself!! that took a lot of strength. feel free to share here whenever, it’s definitely been a big help to me during my sobriety journey. :heart:

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welcome Jamie! wish you well on your sober path!

some links I like:
Resources for our recovery

Mental health memes and discussion (Part 1)

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Hi, welcome! It’s lovely to meet you. Congratulations on 30 days! :clap:t2::clap:t2::pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Thank you so much sweet friend! I am so grateful for the opportunity to dive deep into my real purpose on this earth. Alcohol (and other DOCs) were really hindering me from fully stepping into my power.
Btw, I love your profile photo. I am a professional artist and I love painting the moon. :heart::heart:

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Thanks for the warm welcome. So happy to be here :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the links! So happy to be here and blown away by the support I have received already :heart:

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Thank you so much friend. Looking forward to sharing and learning, and eventually inspiring others as well :heart::heart::heart:

Thank you Ree! I’m so excited to be here and feeling so so grateful. I am definitely feeling like this is the best birthday gift I have ever gotten. Looking forward to many more.
Appreciate all the love and support and excited to get to know everyone a little better and help each other along :heart::heart::heart:


A professional artist! You lucky soul!! I loved the art as well…maiden mother crone …also known as Triple Goddess. Perfect for where I am now in my life cycle. :heart:

I hope you find much support and inspiration here!

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