New member. Can anyone talk

Hi all. I just woke up and i feel like absolute crap. I drank a ton last night. We had a bbq and had friends over. I had a few white claws but then i started sneaking hard liquor. Why do i do this to myself? I don’t want to drink at all. I always go overboard even though i think i can control it. My uncles died of alcoholism. My brothers are on the same path and i feel i am too. I just need someone to talk to that understands. My husband just woke up and hasn’t gotten mad at me so i guess i didn’t act stupid last night. I can’t remember anything. I always seem to black out. I just want to be sober :pensive: day 1. Hour 1


Dont we all im going to try and stop today hope your feeling better soon


We can do this. We just need to say no. Not even 1.


Welcome to an amazing sober community. This community and AA are the reason i have 11+ months sober after 20 years of problem drinking.

You can quit if you stay committed. Start out by writing down all the reasons you want to quit. Refer back to this list. If youre anything like me when the hangover and shame passes you’ll want to get back into the drinking habit again.

The first week is the toughest but you can do it. One hour, one day at a time.


Yes. Thats exactly what happens. I feel bad now but then the hangover passes and i say just one will be okay. Then i wake up like this again or worse. I do something stupid. I have 2 kids. 2 and 4. That should be enough reason. They are my reasons.


You gave picked the right place to come for support! Time to re-evaluate what you want! This or freedom!

Check in here all day.
Keep reading

And go to “In the Rooms” online and listen to a meeting- it’s free, and you don’t have to talk or be seen.

Listen to the community of knowledge you now have !!

Also - give yourself a hug and be kind to yourself today… If SHAME produced to sobriety none of us would be here!

Love to you !



Thank you :pray:t2:


The first step in the right direction is coming here and deciding you want better for you and your family. Welcome! We’re glad to have you here! You can find a lot of support from the amazing people here, I know I have!
You can do it! One day at a time :heart::blush:


Thank you. I already feel better knowing I’m not alone :heart:


Welcome. I am glad you found your way here, and I hope you will stay to share, heal, learn, and grow.

I remember feeling what you are feeling, waking up the morning after. Trying to piece together what happened after that moment the alcohol overwhelmed your brain. Did you say or do something hurtful to someone you care about? Did you do anything where the consequences will follow you for the foreseeable future? What new regrets will get stuffed into that already full backpack of shame you are already carrying? Might be something small, or it might be something big, but ounces equal pounds and pounds equal pain.

Here’s the good news: you have the power within you to never have to feel what you are feeling now, ever again, and all you have to do is say “no” to one drink…the drink that matters…the first drink. When you do this, there can’t be a second or third or eighth drink. You win. But, when you say “yes” to the first drink, you lose and the only question left to be answered is how badly you lose. Maybe you stop at one, but likely not, because the second drink comes easier, and then the third…

I used to think sobriety was complicated, but that was when I was still drinking. It’s actually quite simple. It’s denying myself that first drink, and accepting that I need to say “no”…forever.

Simple, but it can be difficult. Fortunately, there are literally centuries of combined sobriety here that you can tap for support and strategies for success.


I have done and said some pretty horrible things while drunk. Why isn’t that enough to keep me from drinking again? Why isn’t this horrible feeling enough? I am hungover and crying but my kids woke up and now i have to put on a happy face even though i feel like i dont deserve happiness.

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Sobriety can bring you a happiness that alcohol never could. I know.


You have come to the right place! And you’re definitely not alone. So many of us have similar stories from our pasts and many of us are fighting the same fight right now. There are lots of threads to read around for information, for camaraderie, for fun, too. If you haven’t seen the checking in daily thread, that’s where a lot of folks come to check in everyday and either talk about what’s going on with them or just say hi and that they’re sober today.

I’m glad you’re here. Take one day at a time and you’ll be glad you did. :heartpulse:


I’ll check it out. Thank you :pray:t2:


Re read your posts here when you feel tempted. Your kids deserve a happy mom; drinking isn’t an option anymore.
You can do it, :hugs:


I can talk, I just cheered a meeting last night it was great to help other people trying to beat this disease reach out anytime you need a friend


What area are you from I could help u establish a support network if you’d like

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Try A meeting they will help wish you well


I made sure to write exactly how i was feeling at that moment in my journal entry. I wrote about my kids. I will definitely be going back to read my entries and all these comments including my own. Thank you :pray:t2:

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Thank you for this :pray:t2: I am feeling better now that the hang over is gone. I got my son down for a nap and now spending some quality time with my daughter. I don’t ever want to feel like that again.

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