New member. Can anyone talk

I know exactly how you feel. Waking up wondering what you might have said or done the night before. The Black Outs have always scared the shit out of me, that can go terribly wrong. I would suggest meetings and meditation, finding things to keep you busy and your mind off of Alcohol.

Always available if you need to talk


Meditation is something I’ve always wanted to try. Thank you :pray:t2:

I know the hell you’re in very well. We can be free from this. You never have to wake up hungover and anxious eve again if you don’t want to. Connect with others. Be kind to yourself. Take it one day at a time.


Ahh the old post drunk anxiety.

Check out my last post. :people_hugging:


Hey there, im always available- feel free to message me❤️‍🩹


Just left a meeting but the cheer person was calling on friends only even though I had my hand up right in front of her. I hate that the cool crowd :triumph: if you can talk that be nice.

There was a lady that use to post here regularly years ago. She had a comment someone told her at an AA meeting that had stuck with her.
“If you play your cards right your kids will never have any memories of you drinking”

4 and 2 what great ages for them to be learning and soaking up how to behave from their mother. Show them the way to a happy and alcohol free life.

We are all worthy of happiness and love. I hope you find it on your sober journey!


Thank you :pray:t2:

Thank you. I didn’t drink last night although i was tempted to go out. I woke up feeling great :blush: Day 2 here we go!


That must be frustrating. Since i am new member i had to wait to comment anymore. I was only given back access this morning. I guess i am limited since it was my first day. How are you feeling today?

Definitely not alone. I posted a very similar message at roughly the same time you did. Yesterday was my Day 1. Hoping we both have a good day 2.


I woke up feeling amazing today. Way better than yesterday. I hope you have a great Day 2!

Welcome to Talking Sober, and know that your two days so far are a big deal!

Why isn’t that enough to keep me from drinking again? Why isn’t this horrible feeling enough?

The bad news is the same as the good news. Logic and relationships are not sufficient to stop an alcoholic from drinking. But there is plenty you can do to address your alcoholism and build your sobriety. Good news/ bad news is “because you’re an alcoholic.”. Just like me.

You have gotten great feedback so far on how to get and stay sober. And I hope you do that before you have to suffer the kinds of losses, material, psychological, physical and spiritual that so many of us had to experience. No matter what happens, remember that sobriety can always begin right where you are. Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.


We just had a Zoom today! Everyone is always invited to our Saturday Zoom as well :slight_smile: TS zooms! Welcome!

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Welcome! Thank you for sharing! I was very much like you described when I drank. Truthfully I learned alcoholism looks different for different people. I always assumed “I’m not an alcoholic, I don’t sneak drinks at work or need it to make it through my day.” However, whenever I took that first drink, my brain always had to ensure I had access to enough alcohol to drink myself to sleep over the course of the night. If I was drinking beer, I definitely often would look for or ensure I had access to hard liquor. I considered it a good week if I only drank one or most of one bottle of bourbon the whole week. The last time I drank, we stopped for lunch drinks one day during the holiday season. Before I knew it I had been at the bar for 7 hours, drove home drunk, ran upstairs, took a shower, and climbed in bed and passed out. I awoke to a confused and hurt wife who didn’t understand my actions, kids who probably saw me come in drunk and silent, and a bad damn hangover. I hugged my wife that morning and promised her never again. That was 94 days ago and I’m not looking back. I hope the same for you, the hood in your life is worth so much more than the damage alcohol will unleash on it :heart:


Congratulations! 94 days is awesome. Last night i had a lot of temptation but once again i was able to fight it. Woke up feeling amazing and can now celebrate easter with my babies sober :heart:


Hi after reading your post and comments i jist want you to know i could have wrote this. I also have kids and beat myself up constantly. Here if you want someone to relate to higs mama


Thank you! I’m 5 days strong today and i don’t even feel like drinking. Someone gave me some advice. Anytime i feel like drinking I just go back and read my journal about how i felt when i was hungover and how i am hurting my family. Its helped a lot. If you ever need to talk, i am here to listen.


Roxy, stop thinking you can control it. Something that should be obvious to you by now is that you will never, ever, be able to moderate your drinking. You know what that means. You’ve two paths ahead of you, and you have to make a choice. You can either let alcohol control you and continue waking up the way you did after the BBQ, or YOU take control.

You need to stay sober, and don’t ever utter the words ‘just one drink won’t hurt’. It’s a lie we tell ourselves before alcohol snakes around us again and tightens it’s evil grip.

Thinking of you, and hope you manage to stay sober :heart:

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Thank you for your wise words and advice. 5 days strong now :muscle:t2:

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