New sobriety and relearning to live

Welcome happy to hear people giving their selves a chance because you are worth it . live in the moment believe and then youll see miracles

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Progress not perfection

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@Danny thank you very much. And I’ve already gotten so much from this community. The thought that I was the only one left pretty much immediately. I was looking at the sky tonight thinking about how lucky I am that I found this because without it … I most likely would not have made it this far. But I’ve learned new ways of thinking, reacting, breathing… Even moving. I feel so blessed to be here and not feel shy but the exact opposite. Meeting people and talking. Asking questions. Reading other people’s stories. It let’s me know we are brave smart caring loving and strong. But more importantly it let’s me know that I can do this even if at times it is a second or minute at a time.

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I know right i like to feel like we are not lucky but we are chosen ones to this path to love and help the alcholic/ addicts that are still suffering it was a blessing to be present today watching fireworks it sounds like a war zone in my neighborhood haha but its first time ive been happy in 14 years and im sober

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Yes these support network is where i find wisdom and it kreepy how the big book talks about me to the t

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Congrats. I’m glad you found happiness. I wish all the people I know that are still struggling with addiction could feel how I feel now for just a few minutes. They would never want to look back. The same as myself there is no looking back it is only moving forward for me

Ahhhhh lol good morning :sunrise::sunrise_over_mountains: everyone. Have a great day and do something amazing :blush:

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@Danny I’m so thankful I was able to find this. I’m not sure I would be where I’m at without all the amazing people here.

Morning hollz greatful to be alive its that simple for me when i find myself getting stressed put a smile on proud of you ans keep the positive energy your putting out we cant keep it if we dont share it

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You’re fine :slightly_smiling_face: @littlemisschatterbox . I’m going to be sticking around so I will have time to meet all the unique, wonderful, amazing people around here :blue_heart::blue_heart: it’s very nice to meet you though :hugs:

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Thank you and you are absolutely right :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hope your day is goin well we are here to listen to learn and learn to listen

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Hope you had a great day! This thread is so uplifting. So glad you found your way here.


Today has been a day of rest for me. Back to work tomorrow but I’m carrying such a new and tender mindset. A more loving empathetic caring understanding attitude. I am grateful every single morning that I found my way here. I feel like everyday I learn something new, feel something new, and grow just a little bit more. I’m blessed beyond what I ever would have dreamed. And I’m so thankful


Thank you @SassyRocks :hugs: I’m so happy I was blessed enough to find my way to this amazing place with such amazing people :blue_heart::blue_heart:

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Sober living is rough sometimes i try to stay positive and joy but someone always in a bad mood and have no common courtesy specially wen they have authority in house feel like their demanding instead of asking when were all supposed to be equal right?

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Wow that one hit close to home. But I’m still trying to stay positive and learn new ways to cope with things. People drink around me and I used that as one of my biggest excuses to drink for a very long time. But I’m looking at it now like my problem isn’t there problem and who am I to make it theirs. I have to take responsibility for just myself, just for today


Yeah its not always sunshine and rainbows, we learn how to make it through the rain and the pain. Just because someone else is in a negative mood doesn’t mean it has to bring you down, try getting out for a short walk de-escalate situation, stay strong stay positive, keep moving forward!


Good morning :sunny::sunrise_over_mountains: everyone :slightly_smiling_face: rise and grind. I’m off to work. I hope everyone has a happy healthy productive day. :100::muscle::pray:
(Awlz) I’m gonna miss you guys today lol)
Talk when I get home from work all :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:


Enjoy your work day! I’ll be doing the same today :hugs:. Isn’t nice to feel refreshed and not bogged down by a hangover

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