New sobriety and relearning to live

So everytime my other half hurts my feelings and doesn’t care I’m going to keep track today so if you’re wondering what it’s about that’s it . :pensive: ONE :woman_facepalming::broken_heart:

:broken_heart::pensive: ugh seriously :thinking:

Wow three back to back :broken_heart::pensive:
And yes we work together :pleading_face:
I guess I’m in for a rough day but I’ve decided not to continue to keep track. I would water my entire day. 3 in less then a hour is more then enough to let me know I need to look at it

Hey! :hugs::heart: Give yourself a little time for clarity and strength, growth doesn’t happen overnight… :slightly_smiling_face: You’re in good, well-meaning hands here, so welcome Hollz! I’m right where you are atm tbh, word for word… Stay with us and on your unique path to self-improvement, and have faith you will find yourself! Change comes out of love not hate :wink:

Try shortly asking yourself who, when, where, why, what and how in your own time in as many different ways relevant to your life atm, it’s all about you! Maybe write down notes on your thoughts, failures and progresses whenever something pops up, and gradually rewire your brain and the life it pursues by making inner-healing and unlimited personal growth your mantra…

Think about what might be suited for you to help you grow… Could be a club, group or organization of interest? Or a new job/study if that’s an option? Dancing? Self defense? Cycling? Yoga or meditating? Volluntary fire-service or community support? Trying vollunteer work of some sort for the experience? Learning a new language on duolingo? Learning a new instrument for the sake of it? Considering a psychologist if necessary? Getting into some stretching, workout and/or jogging fitness routine? And lots, lots more :heart: And a healthy core lifestyle is good for you too, going to sleep and waking up earlier, meditating just 5mins once or twice a day, cooking yourself more and eating healthily, reading, staying hygienic, keeping your home tidy, making sure to go out into nature as often as possible for the fresh air and beauty it’s always provided, researching more what and how to grow in your position… I can recommend e.g. ‘Better Ideas’ and ‘Sadhguru’ on Youtube to get ya started :ok_hand:

Be strong, we can do this Hollz! Trust and believe in yourself when you need it most. Time and love is ALL you need from now on, as cheesy as that sounds… :yum: No pressure or expectations, just you and your persistent vision of what gives you purpose and happiness in this mysterious but potentially amazing life of ours… There’s much more to sobriety than you might think you know at this early stage! :pray: Hope I gave some ideas :slightly_smiling_face:

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I wish you lived near me I would love to be sober friends! I know how you feel. I have no friends and I’m terrible at meeting people, been to AA wasnt for me.
… I’m scared to go out because alcohol is everywhere. All my old friends drink. It’s so normalized that I feel like I can’t escape. For example, I took my daughter to see a movie with my dad on father’s day and I’m getting popcorn, what do I see?..A flipping whole beer tap/bar area! I was like omfg , really? I was there at 10 am for a kids movie. It was triggering but I had my family there so that was a great distraction. I basically am either a workaholic or alcoholic, there no in between. Recently my schedule has gotten less grueling, so now I have that scary free time on my hands. It’s hard but what I’m doing is trying to get myself out of my comfort zone. I want to start writing again, I want to hike, I want to be active, and make memories. It’s a weird , emotional, sometimes hard transition. But I think it’s possible. I’m so happy for you rn. Everyday sober is a day of victory :two_hearts::butterfly:


Thank you so much @1in8billion , truly needed that this morning and a lot of great ideas on new things for me to start trying out :slightly_smiling_face:

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@NewB yep I completely understand and I wish we were closer as well. As for the work thing it seems I am cutting back and spending a lot of time walking. I love walking it’s calming and I get to take in all the beauty that I had forgotten was out there. Try to have a good day hun and we will keep our heads high together :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:

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Thank you :two_hearts:. I hope you have a great day


I hope you have a great, productive, healthy day as well @NewB :muscle::pray::slightly_smiling_face:


Up is the only other way to go. You got this and welcome to path of a better life.

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Thank you @BluNjaTrtl31 :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::sunny:

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Anytime. You’re on the right path being here

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I hope to be talking to you more in the near future :blush:

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It’s been a kinda of up and down day my feelings have been getting hurt today A lot and honestly it has me feeling a little down but I refuse to let it get the best of me :blue_heart::blue_heart:

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Just remember that the bad days always pass. It’s a stupid cliché but it’s also so true.


I’m trying but this is a extremely complicated one. Do you care if I privately message you @littlemisschatterbox when I get off and talk about it ???

Its ok to express your emotions its healthy in fact to tell others how your feeling or how hurt they’re making you. The repressed feeling builts up over time like a rubber band winding up, can take so much then its set off, unwinds or breaks. Personally i try to use the " I statement" when communication is a bit distorted in my realtionship with different people. Stay strong and keep motivated


This person in general is a big part of my life in more then one area and it almost seems like he feels like he is allowed to take all his stuff out on me and I don’t really know what to say to him to make him understand how much it deeply impacts the way I feel and my image of myself. :smirk:


Dont co-sign his BS, we dont have to be defensive but also not a doormat for others to walk all over us

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I’m going to start trying to do better and learning new ways of dealing with this in a healthy way @jonathanlee213