Newbie here. Help with sleep needed

I get that not everyone loves therapy as much as I do :joy: I did a lot of therapy in my teen years about my abuse and just went back recently for addiction related topics.

Have ASMR videos come up yet? My normie husband uses that to go to sleep and I know it can be helpful for people with anxiety.

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Never heard of asmr videos but just googled it and it sounds interesting. Iā€™ll have to give it a go, thank you!! :grinning:

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Ok some of them are real weird so donā€™t totally give up on them if you find the werid ones first. Good luck!

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How did you sleep last night x

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Hi :grin:thanks for asking. Lots of tossing and turning and woke feeling knackered. Iā€™m sure itā€™ll get easier as the days go on. I made it one night I can do more :hugs: hope youā€™re ok too x

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Have you ever tried benadryl?? Its been two years off heroin for me and I still struggle with sleep. I use benadryl but my doctor put me on gabapentin and buspirone for anexity.

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Since a teenager I have struggled with falling asleep. I used to think drinking myself to sleep was the only way to cope with the racing thoughts running thru my head at a million miles per hour every night.

All the drinking did was intensify the anxiety and drepeession the next day, and I continued this downward sprial for close to 20 years always justifying drinking to help me sleep.

Now that I have been sober for a couple of 24hrs, I still struggle with falling asleep. I take herbs, prescribed meds, drink tea and it is definitely helping me fall asleep. My head is definitely the problem with all my problems, the alcohol was just a symptom.


Iā€™m good thanks just home. It will get easier and even with the tossing and turning the few hours you grabbed will be better quality than a full nightā€™s comatose sleep from alcohol. Itā€™s definitely not easy I know. Stay strong x

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Hmmmm, IMHO, benadryl could lead to otc drug use. I try to think of all the great memories I have or make an A to Z gratitude list to fall asleep.
Sometimes I recall a recent tv show, book, or movie that Iā€™ve seen.:sleeping:


I know thank you so much for your support. X

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Thatā€™s a good idea (a-z of good thoughts):grin: thank you!

skio the meds, read a book with small print whilst lying down or you could try not think8ng about not sleeping, sleep when you can and dont stress

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Welcome to the world of sobriety! :hugs:

I was super worried also about not sleeping soberā€¦I sleep WAY better without the drinking!! If I struggle, I use chamomile tea, yoga and meditation to clear my mind as I fall asleep. Guided sleep meditations on youtube are good for keeping me focused and relaxed but like @anon62920945 said, dont give up if you dont find the right one at first.

In my experience, what we donā€™t dredge back up to heal from just lies buried under a sea of superficial things we do to try to shove it back down in us. When it rears up, itā€™s not pretty but what you donā€™t truly heal will always keep coming back until weā€™ve done so. It may be a good time to work through some of that, getting sober really changed my perspective on everything!

Good luck and welcome!

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Oh my, last night was my first night with no alcohol and I was exactly the same. I think I had about 4 hours interrupted poor sleep in the end. On the plus side, I am sooooooo tired tonight, hopefully I will sleep. Good luck , keep smiling - weā€™ve nearly done day two !

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Have you tried melatonin or benydryl? Maybe talk to your Dr about options as well. Good luck.

Thank you :kissing_heart:

Thank you and yes we have! :blush::+1::+1:

Well having your bed ambushed by a wriggly 3 year old and trying to sleep is even more of a challenge!! Bring it on! Little princess cuddles fix everything :blush:

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The insomnia in the beginning can be really rough. I was a heavy drinker for years and also struggled with anxiety. Panic attacks, horribly anxious days/weeks, avoiding stuff because of it, and I definitely used booze to take the edge off. I started my nightcaps 15 years ago and the older I got, the bigger the nightcap. When I first got sober I was barely sleeping and my days were blending togetherā€¦I was forgetting conversations, mixing things up, it was honestly scary at times. I thought I was losing my mind a few times, thankfully I didnā€™t.

Finding what works for you will be a personal journey. Some things that worked for me were intense exercise early in the day, relaxing yoga poses at night (instagram has plenty of good posts for these), eating better, valerian root and melatonin, tea. And good sleeping habits: dark room, quiet, no screens (phone, tablet, etc) in bed, and a consistent bedtime and wake up time. The sleep habits are really simple but very worthwhile. Helps the brain shut down for at least a few hours.
Stay strong and stick with it. It does pass eventually.


Have you tried valerian root?

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