Newly sober on a sunny day

Day 9 sober. Looking for tips and things that help keep drinking off my mind.


Hi. I am on my millionth day 2 of sobriety, praying that this is finally my successful try. I have never used a sobriety app before. Just trying to make positive changes and get on track the best that I can.


Welcome Laura.
And @Gina

Have a good read around here. This place has been a great place for me to get support in my sobriety. I never got support before for the millions of times I tried to quit. Addiction is too tough to go it alone. We are stronger in numbers. And we are all worth it.

Here are two good threads to start:

I hope to see you around.

Welcome Laura. I stayed busy… really busy for a while in the earlier days. I took lots of walks, worked out a lot, took on home remodel projects, spent a gazillion hours on here and listening to sobriety podcasts. The first 10 days are rough, and you’re almost through them . Congratulations on 9 days


Thank you :blush:

Welcome @Leray8 and @Gina! Take it steady and be gentle with yourselves. I found reading quit literature in the early days to be quite helpful. I also spent a lot of time resting with plenty of nice warm baths. Drink lots of water, the damage we do to our bodies whilst in active addiction is immense… it takes some repairing. Take it one day at a time. Just don’t drink today! Stick around on here, there is so much information and support. It’s great to meet you :pray:t2::two_hearts: