Nights Are Tough - venting

I’m recently sober 4 days after years of trying to quit drinking and relapses. I find it the most difficult at night when I’m alone with my thoughts. It’s tough to stay sober but I know know it’s for the best. I’m not sure what to do with my time yet, and I’m struggling especially hard after having a 5 year relationship end.
Being sober means actually going through those thoughts and emotions, which is tough but I know it’s what I need to do.


Welcome and sure glad you are here. I know for me boredom, isolation and loneliness were big drivers on my drinking. Even when I was with my ex who drank daily too.

So, I had to fill my down time after getting sober. Meetings and coming on here, doing active things outside was what helped. I still see AA weekly and work with others.

You stay this sober course and your world will be better. And the further you get from that last drink the happier you will be too.

Hugs, & we never have to do days 1-4 ever again.


Welcome Katiee
Congratulations on your 4 days sober.
I’m glad you found us. There’s so many great threads here to look at and keep you busy for awhile.
Have a good read around and join in when your comfortable.
Here are two good threads to start:


Music is a powerful tool too


Thats why they have meetings in the evenings so you dont feel lonely and can get new sober friends wish you well