Welcome Sunshyne
Congratulations on 10 days!
Stop drinking for your kids. They’re worth it.
Stop drinking for your husband. He’s worth.
People will say that we have to stop drinking for ourselves. But in the beginning it doesn’t really matter who you stop for. Just for today. Don’t drink for your family.
When I first quit the only thread I used here was the gratitude thread. I was so grateful I could be sober for my family. I was grateful I still have my family. I was grateful for so much more when I wasn’t drinking.
Fuck life long sobriety! I bet there isn’t one of us on here that isn’t scared to shit about that. That’s why we do it one day at a time. Or one hour at a time if you got to. Just for today. Just for right now.
Forever scares the shit out of me so much I’ve changed my one day at a time to.
“I’m not drinking today. And I’m probably not drinking tomorrow.”
Sounds to me like you got a lot to be grateful for if you are sober.
Try a nice long hot shower after the kids are in bed. I mean really really long hot hot shower for 20 - 30 minutes. That what I use to do around 5 pm cocktail hour. Still do sometimes. It feels great.
Keep reading around here. Lots a great support. You’re worth it.
I hope to see you around.
Sorry I get so long winded sometimes.