Today was the first Sunday in a lonnnng time that I woke up without a hangover. Saturdays usually involve some sort of drinking followed by night time drinking equaling a slow Sunday. Not today! Instead I finally had the motivation to go for a Sunday bike ride. 20km of biking.
Here’s to productive Sundays in lieu of Caesar Sundays!
Well done! Well I am sitting here with a hangover having just joined this site after yet another pointless bender. I am striving for a clean next Sunday hopefully
@Exxcel That’s awesome! I love not having a hangover too, I’m more productive! Good job, keep up the hard work! @Bloodysickofdrinking hang in there, you’ll get it next time! Happy you joined this forum! Welcome! Nice to meet you both! Blessings!
Defintley DO NOT miss the hangovers…
or the shakes, or not being able to eat, or having to go buy more alcohol to get rid of all the above!
Good job @Exxcel , @Bloodysickofdrinking
stay strong, stay sober!!
Heeeeyyyyyy!!! This is my second Sunday Hangover free… I don’t know if I am being more productive hahaha but at least I woke up early, ate some breakfast and I could watch a movit without sleep…
I am sooooo happy!
Happy Sunday to everybody… staY strong, stay sober
@Snow Great job, that’s awesome! The fact you woke up early is great, I could never do that with a hangover. Pretty much I would waste a day recuperating lol Happy sober day all!
I’m so happy for you! Every day i was withdrawing from heroin until i could hustle the money to get it and get will, so i understand how liberating it is to wake up one morning and realize that you’re no longer a slave to an addiction. Good for you babes!
I did a 10km walk Yesterday and it felt great
Wish you a healthy monday
I was sober for 2 weeks. I failed Saturday…Hangover Sunday. I was so disappointed in myself. But it’s a new day! Hang in there.
@Ozdownunder That’s awesome, glad to hear! I hear you on that brother, I got me a fat juicy super sonic burger today lol blessings to you!