No More Added Sugar

Nope I have always been on Jess’ tail. Grateful we have managed to stay that way for a whole year. Woohooo @anon9289869 :heart:
mah sugar twin not twin.


I’m jealous :wink:
But wicked happy for y’all.

Day 2 here.


Hello everyone. I hope it’s ok to join this thread. I have struggled with food and sugar for as long as i can remember. I need to cut out food that has added sugar. Natural sugar is fine. Ice cream, cookies, cake, all that good/ bad stuff is like Crack to me. One bite is all it takes and I’m back on board. It’s horrible and i feel like crap because of it. I’m training myself to hopefully like more raw veggies… as long as i have a dip for them I’m ok. Luckily there are a lot of no sugar added products out there now. Plain whole milk Greek yogurt is also a good base for creating dips. Anyway it’s time to start this. I got a handle on my other addictions so i know this is possible. I’ve done it before but i had support, so i know i need that again. I’m tired of feeling like a slug.


Welcome Crystal. This is an open thread for anyone to check in. We don’t get too much action around here lately.

I know exactly what your talking about with the sugar crack. Cookies, cake, ice cream, chocolate, Oh and especially gelato :grimacing: I can’t stop eating it till it’s gone. Just like my drinking.

Have a good read around. Post when your comfortable.

Oh I got this today.

My counter is about eating sweets and such or sugary drinks. If a recipe or food I purchase has sugar in it I don’t worry about it. I do avoid labels that say “extra added sugar,” and avoid them. I do feel better with out it.
I am eating more fruits, and nuts mixed with raisins these days.


Awesome goal! Sugar is a killer! I heard that sugar cravings are worse if you wait to long to eat your regular meals… don’t know how scientific but makes sense in my case. I try to eat lots of protein and healthy fats (eggs, avocado, etc.) Helps fight cravings. Chocolate is my weakness.


I started a food journal today and attended an OA meeting. I am accumulating notebooks for various journals :smile: I did good with not eating sugar and paying attention to how much i was eating. So day one was a success! Also i know i cannot do this alone!


Yes I’ve heard the same about waiting too long to eat. When i do eat healthy i try to eat the same things you listed. But once i get that first bite of something not good for me it’s on like donky kong :rofl: and healthy eating becomes foreign. It sucks!


Day 2 of no added sugar. I had a couple pieces of fruit and managed to get veggies in 3 meals. Celery is becoming easier for me to eat. The only issue I’ve had is the mid day crash. My body craves the sugar rush. I’ve been able to take a nap when it hits. I can’t wait for that to stop. I got an OA meeting in last night and this morning. Was also able to get a meeting in for my other program. I am also going to learn how to make my own machiattos and lattes so i can avoid the temptations of the flavored ones at coffee shops. Plus it will save a lot of money.


I’ve been using xylitol. It’s a natural sugar substitute made from birch extract. Looks and tastes like sugar to me. More expensive though.




Awesome! Do you feel so much better? Have you lost weight just from cutting out the sugar?

Congratulations Twinnie

No sugar day 2 but sugar free candy=not good for my belly lol

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That’s an awesome lots of days! :face_with_peeking_eye:
Respect! :saluting_face:


5 days no sugar! Had to edit i i put 4 days but it was actually 5! Woohoo


I was thinking about it a lot lately… I wasn’t sure if it’s good idea.
Here I am. And I decided to as well slowly remove sugar from my life, or at least having it in very small portions. I lately I a lot was eating food with sugar and it’s… Meh.
So I’m joining yall. :man_dancing:t2::man_dancing:t2:


Almost done with day 2 of no sugar. Things were getting out of hand. There have been a few binges and just like alcohol one is never enough. I ate half a box of zebra cakes the other day :see_no_evil: I think if I can get my sugar intake under control my nutrition will be on point.


I was at 13 days, back to 0. I ate a few cookies. At least it wasn’t excessive. But if I’m being honest with myself it’s still added sugar. Back at it tomorrow. I’m not beating myself up over it or just saying f*uck it i failed. I’m proud of myself for going that long! I need to drink more water and cut out the diet pop. It’s make me crave sweets more.


That’s right, buddy! I’m really proud of you. :hugs:

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1 week!! Even it’s now 1 week + 1 day. :sunglasses:
I noticed that when I’m adding less of sugar or not at all I don’t have problems with acne and I don’t need that so much sugar. :white_heart: