No More Added Sugar

Thank you! Congrats on your time and goodbye acne!


I got these for when I’m craving a cookie. They have other flavors too. I got some pecan shortbread but I haven’t opened those yet

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exactly! goodbye acne!

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I’ve seen those! I need to get something like that. The sad thing is that i had chocolate coconut keto bars that i completely forgot about… and they’re good. They taste like Mounds bars…


So far doing good this go around


Atta girl on the 5 days. :muscle:
Just sat down with my sugar free Vortmans wafers.


I’ve been struggling the last couple days… my hormones are getting crazy and I’ve been craving ice cream. I had some last night and the night before. The first night was a binge… last night was just a small amount. The first night i tried to distract myself, but i started to obsess over it, which i think lead to the binge. Last night i gave in right away and only had a little. The rest of my food choices have been great. I started an OA food plan that is easy for me follow. The first 2 days were no problem. Then the ice cream cravings hit. I know it’s PMS because this is when i get these cravings. Sugar free ice cream is not good for my stomach. I was not prepared for this already… on the plus side I’ve been exercising regularly.


Going strong. The only sugar thing I’ve had is that snowcone :confetti_ball::confetti_ball: It doesn’t seem that hard…… yet. Mostly just because I haven’t had a real craving, when I get those I normally cave :roll_eyes:


Oh crap, I didn’t see this thread before. Can I join? This sugar cravings are getting mad


All are welcome.

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I am also struggling with my cravings.


I like to get sugar free treats from the store. They have chocolates and cookies that sugar free :blush: Some of them you can’t even tell, at least I can’t

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Welcome @Raven7

I waited until I had a good year and a half of sobriety under my belt before starting to work on my sugar, sweet snack, gelato, ice cream cookies, dessert habit/addiction.

I’ve heard it’s pretty typical to replace booze with sweets. But as long as I wasn’t drinking I didn’t care.

Have a good read around the thread. There’s lots of great ideas and suggestions.


I’ve been eating too many sugar free wafers by Vortmans. :grimacing:
It’s probably emotional eating. :face_holding_back_tears:
I ran out and didn’t have any in the house yesterday. :scream:
I survived.
I might have to give them a rest for a bit.
Otherwise going strong at 2 months again.


I was so proud of myself for last night. I only had 1 sugar free cookie, not 3 :joy: I’m back on track though, going in 5 days.

Congratulations on 2 months @Dazercat :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


Made it to a week without a sugar binge :confetti_ball::confetti_ball: I got some really decent sugar free chocolate chip cookies that have been really helpful.


Are they the Vortman’s?

@Dazercat these. I think they are better than Vortmans

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I just tried one and they are good. Not quite the same. More peanut butter (which I dig) and the chocolate isn’t as sweet but makes a good substitute