No More Added Sugar

Wow. A year and a half! What a success.
I once made it to a year and crashed at a party. It really is one day at a time.


You can do it!


I might join this from tomorrow. Mainly because I am five biscuits deep in a pack of Lu cinnamons. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I have ceased all sugar in tea and coffee completely years ago, but I do tend to snack on Haribo and biscuits after tea and with a cup of tea. It’s a comfort thing and also I mainly eat really well and all homemade.

I will try though! I hate the thought of extra sugar, especially with my recent hormonal instability!


Checking in! I’m on day 9. My face is all cleared up now finally and my gut health is being restored one day at a time. Today I had that little voice say, hey-you’ve done great! Maybe you could have one of those sugary coffee drinks you love so much before your new supplements arrive…This stuff runs deep! Of all the things, that’s what I keep craving-that damn coffee drink.

Later, when in the cabinet for dinner stuff, I found that I had two of these keto coffee protein shakes left in there from my 6 months on keto. I had bought some Sugar-Proof tea that was right beside it in the cupboard so I did a little experiment. The tea came in after I already quit eating sugar but it is supposed to make it so sugar cravings subside. And if you do consume anything sweet after drinking the tea, it won’t be sweet. First off, the tea was NOT enjoyable, but it did work! I took a sip of the coffee to get the baseline taste, drank the tea and then had another sip of the drink-it no longer had that sweet flavor to it. I dumped the rest of the drink (and the tea) down the drain since it was just a test to see if that tea worked but it did! And I’ve had zero interest in anything sweet after that. Super intetesting stuff so I had to share!


Day 4 over here and I’m feeling good. Lots of fruit for me and so far I haven’t been seriously tempted. I did side-eye a brownie yesterday but that was more out of boredom than desire.

My energy is good. Yesterday I was a zombie but I blame a variation in my caffeine dosage. Onward all!


Today I plan to not have sweets or biscuits.

Meals planned already:
cottage pie and veg
Can’t remember what’s for tea… My memory is shocking lately!

We don’t do breakfast. The problem is that I will get hungry around 3/4pm so I do need to get the nuts ready to substitute the crisps. The fat free yoghurt is a no go as in the absence of fat they have rammed it to the eyeballs with sugar and salt. The Eat Natural bars are almost the same sugar as an entire roll of Rowntree fruit pastilles (which are my fave).

You really have to train your taste buds also with sugar. Luckily I’m not a complete sweet fiend, it just sounds as if I am!


Really failed. I get these horrendous crash feelings where I go cold and start to feel starving and feel weak… It’s happened in the pool once and I felt a bit worried that I would drown out just pass out. When I feel like this I have to eat quickly, I try to eat naked bars (mostly nuts and dates) but it never sates the out of control feeling so I go for anything else then, usually sweet mints, Haribo…

Anyone felt like this?

I honestly don’t eat that much sugar and mostly everything is homemade no sauces or jars so I can watch what’s in my food. But when I feel shaky like this there’s no telling myself no. I have to gorge on sweet things until I feel well again.

I really don’t think I have anything worryingly wrong to be honest; I have blood tests fairly regularly: just recently tested my hormone levels and thyroid and cholesterol. I am a bit of a forced worrier/hypochondriac admittedly, and always go to every appointment and healthcare provider including the dentist as I have a sketchy background with healthcare; my family don’t go at all. I’ve done the opposite since standing fully as an adult in my new version of truth and how to live, I embrace all the horrible hard things and appointments and make myself go to everything!

Anyway, I don’t think I’m going to win with this challenge as I’m having these crashes and I don’t think I can ignore them as they feel really bad at the time (hands freezing, weak feeling and weak limbs, tired).


I know this feeling! It’s like opening Pandoras Box for me. First I must eat something very sweet and very dense in calories. Then I feel blah from all this sugar and I crave something salty, some chips, snacks. And then I’m in that vicious circle of junk food, which leads to feeling disappointed and angry at myself next day.
But yeah, freezing hands, feeling weak, dizzy, cold… I used to have those crashes more often before. Actually I don’t remember when last time I felt like this, must be few months. Maybe have something to do with intermittent fasting? Idk, timing would be correct.

I’m trying to cut sugar intake as always and as always it’s fucking difficult. I had very good 3 days now but I was in a shop this morning and my favorite cake was on big discount because of short date and I just had to buy it. I know, stupid. On the box stand for 5-6 ppl and believe me or not, I eat it all. But I’m gonna stop now, no salty snacks for me.

Again about those crashes. Are you eating sweet breakfast? I used to drink smoothie from peanut butter, banana, dates and raw cacao every morning for years. Now I’m not doing this anymore (I’m skipping this early breakfast because of IF) and maybe that’s the reason I don’t have this crashes anymore. Just wondering. I used to have them pretty often and I really don’t remember when last time it happened.
Much hugs :heart::green_heart::blue_heart::orange_heart:


Hey Mischa, nice to see I’m not alone, though I don’t wish you harm or feeling bad either.

I don’t eat breakfast at all, I don’t eat between like 9pm and 1pm the next day. Rarely will I perhaps have some oats, fruit and fibre or toast with marmite! I always have these crashes in the afternoon!


Still going over here. I ate a savory microwave meal with 2g added sugar yesterday because I was under the weather. I had a monster headache yesterday, all signs point to a deep tissue massage as the culprit, but I almost tested myself by allowing something sweet into my diet. I didn’t and I’m glad. No sweets, no chocolate, no cakes and no cookies for me.

It is extremely hard to avoid added sugar in savory prepared products though. My breakfast burritos have 1g added sugar and I bought them anyway. I’m not perfect, just trying to be better.


I’m not doing too good so I might have to bow out and accept my weaknesses as acceptable vices!



Tackle what you can at the moment and celebrate your work separation with a piece of cake for me! No shame in knowing yourself and your current needs.


Yeah I agree. I can’t really moan about my progress too much either as I’m hard enough on myself with other things. It’s basically two little Reece PB cups yesterday…


My fave :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Why are they so good?


What @TrustyBird already said: Self care comes first! Take care of your needs, and if sugar is part of your self care, enjoy it without a doubt and without shame or reproach. I know enough people who get through the winter blues with a little help of chocolate :wink:


Thank you :heart: and I’m sorry if any of my thoughts affected or triggered anyone with serious sugar issues/problems with eating

It’s something I genuinely want to be careful around, but I am just not able to right now and on the whole it’s not out of control too much, more something as a treat.

Good luck everyone.


I know this feeling too. I always find these episodes happen when I’m not eating enough or not in steady enough increments, especially when I’m physically moving around a lot. Which, happened to me yesterday. We had a big storm and I hadn’t eaten since dinner the night before around 5 or 6 so by the time I got done shoveling for a few hours in the afternoon, I found myself in one of those situations. I grabbed the only thing I could find down in the pantry that was ready to eat, graham crackers. And then that started the cravings, and today I ate a little peanut butter cup tree that had been staring at me since Christmas. So I’ve just reset my counter. Which, I am glad about because even taking those two sips of coffee drink the other day to test out my sugarproof tea didn’t set well with me.

I would always like to think I can do these things in moderation…buuut I am never good at that. I certainly identify as an alcoholic in MANY areas of life. Progress not perfection though in this is ok by me. I made it almost 2 weeks with no sugar so that is pretty awesome compared to what I was doing before and now I reset and try again. :heart:


I think you might be right though as it’s kind of when I’m really tired or been active. Or when I don’t really eat enough, or the food i am eating is low calorie (not intentionally, I eat a load of just veg stir fries and they weigh in low cal no matter what).

I might start an experiment of an eating journal with myself. Food for thought :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl:

Thanks for your reply, you are doing great. :pray:


I think this is a great idea. At the very least, if it feels too overwhelming, just write down any treats you have at the time of eating them. That way you will see what you’ve already had in the way of sugar and that could help you make a decision you will be more happy with in the long term.

Sugar is stupidly addictive. I hope you’ll stick with it! Sometimes you have to play with your path until you know what will work best for you in getting you where you want to go.

As for me, I’ve done well except for Sunday when I spent all day gaming and did basically nothing healthy :laughing: