No More Added Sugar

Maybe gaming is healthy if your inner child needed some down time.

Often, I truly think doing load after load of laundry and hoovering is the definition of unhealthy :rofl:

Will start a diary maybe soon, this week is too much for me currently. I’ve already fell out with my line manager by 8.30 am this morning. Need all the comfort at the moment!


Got my first week in. Felt good.


May I join this group? I had eight days sugar-free and I felt and slept better. Last night I ate almost a whole carton of ice cream watching the college football game. Now I don’t feel as well. What is the number one thing you feel better about when you don’t eat sugar?


Please join in if you like.
Have a good read around.

I just overall feel better about myself. Been there done that with the whole carton of ice cream or gelato or bag of cookies.

Less sugar also is suppose to equal less inflammation. I have back issues and I think it helps.


I’m emotionaly far more stable. Sugar makes me first high, then numb, and then depressed, anxious and irritable.


Mine is more of a knowledge thing. I feel like my intake was getting automatic, see a sweet treat, eat a sweet treat and its nice to know I don’t have to do that. Since getting sober I am always looking at ways to get better and this change feels right for a 30 day trial.

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I’m with @Dazercat, it’s more of the physical feeling for me. I don’t feel as inflammed or swollen, my body & muscles hurt less and I have more energy after the detox phase is over. Which, can be a little brutal…and reaffirms this is exactly what my body is asking me to do. Welcome!!


That’s exactly how I feel


Well its 7 am here and I woke up too early (evening worker here) apparently to obsess about chocolate pudding. I work in a hospital and there is a chocolate pudding parfait that I see everyday and everyday for the last week I have wanted to grab it. I have successfully grabbed the pineapple or cantaloupe so far but its there, mocking me just by having the audacity to exist.

This chocolate pudding parfait will either be my goal breaker or my sensible treat for the end of my 30 day challenge.

Brains are funny. Maybe putting it out into the ether will release my thoughts and let me get back to sleep. Its worth a try. I hope you are all masters of your own destinies today.

Side note, I bought a knockoff 32 oz Stanley mug so I have been drinking crazy amounts of water. I am more hydrated than I have ever been but also waking up at night to pee where before I was a solid sleep through the night gal. Maybe being slightly dehydrated is worth a good nights sleep? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy: I am shaking my fist at the sky and saying pudding in Seinfeld’s Newman voice.


I had to look what a parfait was, but yum.


Chocolate pudding layered with whipped cream. It is a cafeteria treat so it isn’t expensive or decadent. Just all consuming this morning for no reason. :woozy_face:


More thoughts because I still can’t fall back to sleep. Maybe I am upping my caffeine intake to counteract my lack of sugar? I did drink a coffee pretty late last night as a pick up. Arrrgh. What a tangled web we weave.
Thoughts for me to ponder as I drift back into dreamland… :sleeping::zzz::yawning_face:
No, it was worth a shot.

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Your parfait story is truly hillarious in the best of ways.

Re Caffeine and Sugar: They both are uppers. In my experience reducing sugar will make you - at least for a while - feel far more tired / sluggish, especially at certain times of the day. After about a month my system leveled out, but the first month I had massive sugar cravings and was really brain fogged in the afternoon.


I definitely had not made that connection before and I will have to watch this.

I will have that parfait. Someday, not today and hopefully not until February but it will be glorious. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hey no sugar friends :blush: I found these recently and they are good and surprisedly give me the sweet taste I’m looking for. I don’t have a counter going but I have been working on lowering my sugar intake :confetti_ball:


Are we sugar twins?


Close enough.

You know I just want to show off the kid :hugs:



Congrats twinnie… Dbl twinnie. Omg we are like the double mint twins. :heart_eyes: hahahah





Welp. Yesterday I noticed that my pants were fitting a little more snugly than usual so today i weighed myself.
With no added sugar for 13 days, extra steps as I play in the snow and walk to and from work and 13 days of planking I have GAINED 6 pounds. What gives here?
I don’t weigh myself often so my last weigh in might have been 3-6 months ago but this feels sudden like in the last 2 weeks.
Has anyone experienced weigh gain while cutting sweets?

I did have to amend my rule to allow honey because I was getting super grumpy one day and had a single solitary teaspoon of honey to see if it would brighten my mood, and it did. No regrets there.
I have been eating a lot of fruit, probably 5 servings a day up from my usual 3ish but have had zero chocolate, cakes, pies and sweets etc.

Let me tell you gaining weight while cutting sugar has me contemplating baking and eating something rich. :persevere::confounded::cry::sob: