19 no form of marijuana
169 no alcohol
100 no ciggs or vapes
Marijuanna dependency
My mind loves weed. My body loves weed. Yet they both hate it at the same time.
I dont even know how it happeneds.
If im about to pick it up, my head tells me all these things like
“itll be different this time”
"just dont go back on sober time
“quick your running out of free time, its now or never”
That last quote gets me a lot
If i pick it up it will just be even more difficult
Ill be exosted tomorrow
Full of shame comming back here
And ill be totally dumb
This is just what weed does to me
Some would say use cbd
But then where does that end?
And im also totally annoyed with all this technical stuff
.03 this
Pot is pot
Thats my rant
I feel better