Not another music thread

I still dont get it. Like A1, BBQ, gravy? I’ve never heard of this in America.

it English brown sauce, don’t know what is in it TBH but the hp stands for houses of Parliament and its got the queen’s seal of approval. if its good enough for royalty it’s good enough for me.


I don’t know how to describe it other than a slightly spicy sauce that’s awesomeness in a bottle. I can’t actually comprehend it not being available over in the state’s! :slight_smile:

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Google Photos
tap for ingredients


Where I shop and here’s a small British Food section. It always has HP sauce :+1:

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I didn’t know what the hp stood for until you just told us m8,had just never thought about it :joy::joy:

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Who knew. Glad I can’t taste the dates in it :sweat_smile:

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I only found out about a year ago but that will be why the picture is on the bottle. :joy:

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Hmm, interesting. Sounds close to A1 or Worcestershire. Learn something new every day.

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you know that though :joy: strange.

Closer to A1 :+1:

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Well it’s late this end and I’ve now got to try and sleep on a very hungry stomach, bad idea that thread. :joy:

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Yeah! I’m craving a fried egg sandwich now :grimacing:
Night-nights :kissing_heart:

Wheat bread
Spicy mustard

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As a kid I was very much a “viva la raza “ kinda guy. So I would always say, don’t be giving me that WHITE bread cause it’s WHITE! Give me the WHEAT bread!

I know… it’s the most stupidest thing now… it makes me laugh now that I think about how dumb I was…

Sorry this sandwich post made me remember that.

My mentality changed when I moved out of the states and saw that there were in fact, White people in poverty as well.

Filet americain
Chopped onion
Slices boiled egg
Pepper and salt

Here in the US of A that’s a #6 and add American cheese and Pepperjack… Not that I go there often but if I’m really feeling like living large I’ll add a chocolate frosty to that… Ole Dave Thomas, founder of Wendy’s seemed like a good man from those old commercials I watched as a child… He left behind a legacy that continues today in helping children in my country even though he died in like 2002… His girl Wendy makes certain the quality of the food and her father’s foundation lives on… :blush: If I’m remembering right, hadn’t thought about that since I studied their story when I was in college… I also remember I had to visit a few chains back then and their meats were always fresh and never frozen… Don’t know if that still applies but I believe it may… Still my favorite Sandwich… :100: Still my favorite restaurant… :grin::hamburger::fries::ice_cream:

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Chicken salad with crispy bacon and melted American cheese on a bagel. This thread is making me hungry and I just ate dinner. :joy:

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Absolute favourite is a lobster sandwich. Best with fresh Nova Scotia lobster, a bit of real mayonnaise (not miracle whip). On buttered white soft bread. No veggies so as not to distract from the lobster :yum:


Cornbeef and swiss on grilled pumpernickel with thousand island, sauerkraut and a pickle on the side.

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