Not another music thread

turns out we are all addicted to food


No Sir we are not… I respond because you used the word “all”… You asked what is your favorite sandwich… We all answered… Now if I was to drive to Wendy’s and buy that meal everyday I might have a problem/an addiction… There’s people that do that… I don’t because I have “moderation” with food… Some folks do not and food is a “requirement”… Imagine if Rum was a requirement and trying to moderate that??? For me, I’d be up :poop: creek :rowing_man: take away the paddles… I guess what I’m saying is that it’s really undermining other human beings that truly do suffer with that disorder… We live in a world where children struggle with how they look and some will vomit and even cut themselves… I’ve seen people overeat and people who have lost the will to live to eat their favorite food’s… I’ve had to watch people die as a result of their unhealthy eating habits for many years… My battle is alcohol and drug’s… I have moderation with food… No :poop: stirring intended just hoping for better understanding where those people are concerned… :blush: They deserve that at least from us, where the rest of the world may not understand them folks… We addicts know some struggles… :blush::100::100::100:

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I don’t know, I’d say my greatest weakness is listening.


Mine too sometimes… It’s easy to get lost in our own problems/addictions that we don’t easily recognize the struggles of those around us… :100:

heavy, it’s just a sandwich.


I know man… I just can’t get that young lady off my mind that was on here yesterday posting… It was like she was searching for somebody, anybody that would take her serious… That person was lost and slipping away… :expressionless:

And oxygen. I’m hooked on that shit. I swear to God I’ll die if I don’t have it.


Exactly, it’s a requirement… :blush::100: Even if the air is polluted… :thinking::joy:

Sorry folks… It might just be me… I get that a lot… :neutral_face:

I take every addiction serious, I’ve had a relationship with an anorexic and am currently in the process of helping a women lose weight, she has lost about 15 stone, when she first asked for help she was in a wheelchair now she can walk with the aid of a cane. I cannot be responsible for how you interpret what I write. My approach is to laugh in the face of adversity sorry if it doesn’t suit.


You suit me just fine… I’m GLAD to know that you help people in that way… We’re not all addicted to food though… Some are, that’s my only point… Have a blessed day… :blush:

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anyway, did we ever find out your favourite sandwich. :joy:

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Heck yeah, the Wendy’s spicy chicken combo… :joy::100:

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oh yeah I remember now.


yeah you might be hooked on it but I like to moderate, I never take more than I need to stay alive. My pet goldfish finds it very offensive if I even suggest a few mouthfuls. I do sarcasm as well as humour, it’s the lowest form of wit apparently but I’m not so sure. :joy: :joy: :joy:


I wouldn’t hang around here then, I don’t want to be responsible for murder. I only started the thread as a joke to myself bc I saw another music thread and thought here we go again.


I’m a convert. I much prefer American bacon. American is called ‘streaky’ bacon in the UK, whereas ‘back’ bacon is the go-to for breakfasts. When i was in the UK, I think i only used streaky bacon for cooking in stew-like meals :thinking:

Edit: I think American/streaky bacon is a bit thicker in the US :woman_shrugging:t3: Like a lot of foods, it depends how it’s cooked :sweat_smile:


yeah it did cross my mind too.

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Top of this post clearly says food trigger… :joy: Overlooked that :100::neutral_face: It wasn’t until my own favorite food was in front of me and I realized that I had lost the will to even take a bite that I fully understood what my patients had been going through all those years… In knowing that it made me feel like eating even less… Because I knew I had to eat to live I forced myself to eat even when I wasn’t a bit hungry… I moderate fine now in knowing I did do my best though to try to help them in any way that I was able and of course I want to live… :blush: Sorry for the derailing… I’m still figuring it out as I go y’all… :neutral_face:

Gonna stay away from you Paul… :joy::100:

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I won’t let you stay away and if you can derail a sandwich thread then your a better women than I thought or the mods have gone crazy. That’s to say a couple of slices short of a loaf.

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