Not Craving Alone

Once again in find myself here with all of you following my own advice and NOT CRAVING ALONE I’ve been really anxious the past few days, tightness in the chest, hard to breathe, you know, the classic symptoms of someone who is due their next dose, pill, drink… Well I don’t have anything to take, which was great until this afternoon. I was cleaning out some shelves and found a pill splitter. Inside were 4 15mg all I could do not to slam them. I rushed to the sink, turned on the disposal and dumped them in as fast as I could. I still feel anxious, but I’m clean. NEVER CRAVE ALONE friends. and take about it.ley


Chad mate, well done. I didn’t realise you were still struggling mate. It’s been a while since I seen you.
At least your heading your own advice mate! :facepunch:


This is real strength.

So pleased your here reaching out I’m so proud of you for not giving in . Hang around and let us all help you x

That’s an amazing amount of self-control it’s extremely impressive and you should be proud of yourself!!!

I think we all go through rough patches from time to time. Since in person meetings have been put on hold, I have no one to air my stuff out to. Talking about my stuff here hopefully can help someone else when they are faced with similar challenges. It’s odd how many places I hid my pills and then forgot that I put them there. I’m glad I was able to resist that urge to quickly pop them into my mouth, and be 27 months clean.


Thank you for sharing Chad…I feel like we’re in the same place. Lack of IRL connection is making it hard to “be”.

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Good job Chad :+1: I’m proud of you :heart::heart::heart:

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You really did well. I hope you’re patting yourself on the back and congratulating yourself. This is one of those situations where it’s important to do that.