November workout challenge

Day 6 :ballot_box_with_check:- before work. It’s daylight savings time here but my body still got up at 4 which is now 3. Run planned for tomorrow. Monday runs are my favorite. It’s like I’m shaking off the work weekend blues lol


Go for a run they say… You’ll feel good. They stupidly forgot about the tape rests in the shoes :confounded::tired_face:

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@anon74766472 Ouchie! :persevere:

@Runningfree I love monday workouts also, it sets me up and gets me motivated for the week ahead

**edited to add - just scrolled through the daily check in thread and saw that 2 days ago @anon74766472 , you celebrated 4 huge fricken years sober :partying_face: just wanted to say a huge congrats to you, and I don’t know why, but I had no idea previously of your sober date? I’m obviously not on here enough :woman_facepalming: I hope you did something lovely for yourself to celebrate :star2:


Oh my!! That looks so painful!

I missed this as well! Happy belated 4 years to you! :confetti_ball::tada:


Haha, yeah, thank you @Becsta and @Runningfree . I went to the outdoor Film Festival last night and enjoyed it a lot. Otherwise nothing special, breathing and being happy. I couldn’t really share it outside of TS which is a bit a pity. But thank you guys. :upside_down_face:

Here AA is somehow the only recovery program celebrating milestones and as I am not an active member there people also in my circle here are like: ah. Okay. And the weather is nice.


DAY 7 - Active recovery.

But… I did day 6 (catchup), weights plus the martial arts gym I’m with, holds an annual remembrance for a young man and member, who passed away from suicide 3 years ago - 100 kicks for Kody.
All members, kids & adults, parents, friends, siblings are asked to participate. It’s meant to be done in class tonight but as I can’t make it, I did a video of mine at home and will upload to their page. Here’s a screenshot of #100 per leg (can’t uplaod vids on here).

R.I.P Kody :broken_heart::dove:


Day 6 :white_check_mark: Right before bedtime too. I must say, it’s a lot easier to do these challenges with you all suffering along with me. :joy::+1:Sleep well friends.


Bight and early, Day 7 :white_check_mark:
Rest Day Shmesh Day. I haven’t been this consistent for a long time so I’m just gonna keep going.
Did a workout on the FitOn App all workouts are free, check it out.
Everyone have a great Monday!


Day 7- did some weights this morning. Had a run planned but it’s chilly here so I opted for a virtual workout. Taking der Hunds walking in a bit when it warms up.


Please precise chilly :crazy_face:

Day 7 on the way ‘active recovery’ also half way through my own challenge (scrw her stupid idea). My legs are a bit tired from yesterday’s run which was my first here. Living now at half of the hill it’s quite challenging to run here. But seems nice and good for mental health :see_no_evil:


It was 45F. It has warmed up to 57F now but there’s a heavy wind. The wind is what kills me. I’m about to head over to Walmart to look for a fleece pullover. Some of the ladies on my workout app recommended that for early morning cold runs. Mind you I’m cold natured so under 65 or so I get cold easy.


This is a tricky temperature for me. Looks like cold in the beginning but I would sweat my ass off once warmed up a bit. :upside_down_face: I like merino wool things, very thin, warm like hell and won’t stink immediately. It’s expensive but long lasting and a good investment I think.


Day 8 done :white_check_mark:


Day 8 done.


Day 8 :ballot_box_with_check: On lunch break. We are having some bipolar weather so I took advantage and got a 4 mile run in before work. It was 61F and humid at 4:30am! Yesterday it was 45 :joy:


3 and 4 done!


Day 8 :white_check_mark:
Remembered to do it right before I stuffed my face for dinner. Lol Have a good night everyone!


Days 6 and 8 done. Not gonna slack like that no more!

Double, double, toil and trouble
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

William Shakespeare, Macbeth


Day 9 :white_check_mark:
Did a basic full body workout before (FitOn App). The push ups are getting better. Still on my knees, but I see an improvement still. Have a great Hump Day everyone!


I think it’s super to have a goal and I know a lot of people need something like this to follow, but as a trainer with over 20 years experience I do have to say this challenge has a lot of thinks wrong with it. Just listen to your body and don’t feel bad about yourself if you can’t complete everything. There is far too much repetition here and it’s also very unbalanced. Where are the back exercises??? Most people who have any problems with their shoulders back and neck, do so because they have over tight chest muscles and week back muscles. There are far too many pushups here without a balance of the back muscles. PLUS sit ups are awful for your spine and tricep dips can be super hard on people’s necks and shoulders. Ok maybe in moderation and done with perfect form, but not this many in a month. Yikes! I’m totally not trying to rain on anyone’s parade but just proceed with caution and please don’t feel like you have failed if you can’t complete everything.

Here’s a great back exercise and you can order resistance bands or tubing on Amazon or usually find them in many stores.

You can also the bands for other tricep exercises.

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