November workout challenge

Just finished Day 27, still laying on the ground! Broke a sweat and everything, the lunges are brutal! My Day 28 active recovery was the 5am gym session i dragged myself into. Getting back to the gym after a vacation is never easy, maybe i should work out on vacation! Hmmm!!

A lot of squats, dead lifts, triceps and core this morning so im feeling it tonight, but it feels good.

We are almost there!


Pretty sure I’m in. Enjoying this extra motivation!

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Ouch! Day 29 done. Had a big cardio day at the gym this morning and then this beast. That was hard. Had to break all of them up into sets, except the plank, but i got them done. 75 push-ups with 75 tricep dips is not a good combo for the tri’s, burning!

One more day!!

@Runningfree Hope you start feeling better soon. Sorry you are so sick.


Days 27 and 29 done - I got help from my trainer and it took almost half our session to complete!

Walking/running 48.5
Spinning 54 miles

Part of my alcoholism was “the myth of eternal leisure”, a phrase given to me by my alcoholism counselor.

If all the year were playing holidays; To sport would be as tedious as to work.
William Shakespeare, Henry IV, Part 1


Thank you. I went to the doctor today. It’s covid :cry: The muscle pain and fatigue is the worst. I don’t really have congestion. I have a small cough but it’s most just the pain. I’m trying to get my fever down. The doctor said that’s the most important thing for now. It’s been 101-102 for the past two days.


That fever was the worst for me - I felt trippy and so so weak! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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I feel this way. My brain feels fuzzy and I have a hard time focusing. I tried to work yesterday and that was not a good idea. My doc gave me an excuse note so thankfully I don’t have to go back until friday

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No Bueno! I had it a little over a month ago and same thing. Lots of advil, DayQuil and NyQuil. My fever broke at 2 days so hopefully yours does soon. Tons of liquids and time in bed! I agree, the body aches were brutal. Rest up and start feeling better soon!

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Day 30 done! Slept right through my 4:30 alarm this morning and woke up at 5:30. Since I already missed my gym class decided to just get day 30 done. Glad I did. Still had to break each one down into sets, lunges in 3 sets everything else in 2 sets. Didn’t think it was as hard as Day 29, but I’m sure doing it first thing in the morning made a difference. Glad I did this challenge.

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I skipped yesterday, but day 30 is done! All split up in sets! :sweat_smile:
@Runningfree get well soon! My mom currently has Covid, and I visited her 2 days before her symptoms started. This morning I woke up feeling quite shiaaat, hopefully it doesn’t get worse!


Not gonna lie - I am skipping the last day. Just too tired today.

Walking/running - 50.5 miles
Spinning 54 miles

The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together.
Wm Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well