Odd things you did to get /stay sober

I stopped reading the newspaper for about 3 years, except for Saturday when I would catch up on sports and puzzles. The negativity got to me, stressed me out. After a dozen years sober, I deactivated my Facebook account for the same reason.

Be mindful what you eat and drink and put into your mind :pray:.


Yup I did that too! Especially with hashish. Dumped it somewhere, then going back to the dealers to buy some more the next day


Did many odd things… Great topic! I believe it was odd that once when I had money and was craving drugs, I bought about 45€-55€ worth of sweets, chocolate and popcorn and just so many different sweets on a few occasions and guess who ate nearly all of it in one day xD

Another odd thing: I just started randomly whenever I was driving bus, sober or not to put my fingers on my knuckles of the other hand and make a circling movement on each knuckle in a rhythm and was whispering or thinking in that same rhythm: I love staying clean (or actually “Ich liebe es clean zu sein” in German) and I still do it sometimes when driving bus and only years after I started doing this heard that that can be a mental technique similar to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques. So yea that’s kinda odd but seems to help, at least now I’m back sober 39 days yay!


I started sleeping on the opposite side of my bed, I’ve never moved back and don’t plan to. :upside_down_face:

I also stuck post-it notes all over my flat, with negative things about using and positive things about not using, they were everywhere!


Aside from being on here a lot.:heart: I started doing word searches like crazy! :joy:
Along with reading articles, and watching YouTube vids of sober people!:rainbow::sunny:


Yeah I did in the past.
Even if I threw it away, gave it away or poured it out I would always replace it within hours. I guess living with my brother this time around and being constantly watched was a great asset (didn’t feel that way at the time).


I carried M&Ms with me everywhere, and chomped on a few whenever I had an urge to drink. Sometimes taking a bite of a Milky Way or a Snickers bar worked the same way. Seems the sweet chocolate calms the booze urge by mimicing its sugar content.


My taste for sweets went up ten fold!:joy:


Actually chocolate also contains some Substances that works as a natural mood boost.
Don’t know the names in English but they are connected to the serotonin levels.


Not sure I did too many odd things.
Sometimes I have my husband order the non alcoholic drinks from the kids meny for me so I won’t be tempted to buy something else.

He is the type of person that takes everyone’s orders, memorize them and then order for everyone just so he’ll get a chance to chat with the servers, or the chef, or whoever it is where we are :smiling_face:


3 and a half years later still eating chocolate nearly everyday conscious of my extra weight, it’s OK though because while I was drinking and drugging I wasn’t conscious of anything.


I completely rearranged / threw out all glassware and anything that was associated with my “drinking routine/ritual” … including the last outfit I wore on the night I decided to stop. I also rearranged all furniture / pictures / etc so that my environment looked completely new … as if literally walking into the door of a sober life.


I deleted all my social media to avoid people I used to use with or with who I would sell too. It eliminated a lot of temptation. It helped tremendously. Once doing this I realized how much time I wasted scrolling and found new productive things to do with my time. It took a long time to get used to but now I don’t miss it at all and I’ll never use social media again.


Never did i just went to AA before this i never considered stopping .


I started waking up clear headed every day, so odd! I even exercised, ate well, hydrated and landed a job I enjoy. All super odd!


I have a cookie ever night, plus a square of dark chocolate. :joy:


This is gold. Do you mind if I borrow this technique Laura? I love this! It’s bold and brave and empowering.


I’ve retired it now so it’s all yours man! :joy:


Hahahaha! Yeah…right! “I’m only buying 4 bc that’s all I’m going to drink today” - :clown_face: But I didn’t dare go back to the same store twice in one day bc they might start thinking I’m an alcoholic. Instead I’d hit up all 3 local ones once a day and if that still wasn’t enough, there’s 2 more just outside town.

Props to being able to pour any away :clap: Can’t say I ever did that. If it was already in my possession, I drank until it was gone. Even if I was miserable doing it.


Same, then I would go find random crap in the pantry like miniatures that were free with grocery deliveries / cooking wine / my partner’s Frangelico :nauseated_face:. Nothing was safe, I always ordered these wine boxes for a well stocked month/season… Gone in days. Lies.

I actually think these companies that deliver wine should have an opt out option that is very serious. Would have helped me.