Odd things you did to get /stay sober

Rearranging the furniture!! I think this is a great idea but getting some pushback at home. I know it would help me. Like a new room. Can you help me move my fish tank!? See you soon🤩


:slightly_smiling_face: ! I hear you. My family didn’t like it at first either. You could always start with the kitchen cabinets and go from there :wink: Good luck and congratulations of your days !


Oh right! They don’t care about them being organized!!? I REALLY want the living room changed. It’s such a trigger. :frowning: so you no come move fish tanks lol Thank you! I think the kitchen and bath might be a great and necessary place to start. Hiding the goldfish crackers until I get my way.

Edit. You should see my resets. I just keep falling. I need change in the house. Thanks again :star_struck:


I’m with you on needing a change in my environment. My furniture has been where it is now since I moved in 7 years ago. Sometimes it makes me feel like my ex is still living here bc we arranged it together. I want it to feel like it’s mine. Of course, it’s just me and my 10yo girl, so moving the big stuff is challenging. When I moved here from my brother’s house, I literally just left my fishtank there bc I didn’t want to move it again!

How bout I help you with yours, and then you come help me with my 300lb dresser? :smiley:


DEAL!! And your 10 year old can play with my ferret! My couch is light but I have two 60 gallon tanks full of fish. Ugh my husband said “are you crazy” to want to change anything. No man, I just need a change in order to FEEL different. I mean is it gonna be the same for like 30 more years lol “thou shalt not move the couch” HELPS! Maybe I need to burn sage up in here lol it FEEEEEELS bad? Where I sat my booze to watch movies I want to change. I’m gonna hire someone while he’s at work if y’all don’t come catch these fish :joy::joy:


:sweat_smile::joy::rofl:. That’s hilarious !

I had a ton of resets before I hit the rock bottom that made me stop and fundamentally alter my life …… and my living room. Perhaps you could decorate the fish tank. See how they are with that. :wink: :flags:


I feel ya. Change is definitely a good thing in this aspect. The house I grew up in always stayed the same. When my parents moved out and my brother stayed in that house, he didn’t change a thing! Going there is like time traveling back to the 80s!


I wondered if people could see my resets. I mean there’s a bunch. I am going to put the goldfish crackers in the fish tank. Move the couch to the street and put my car in the living room.
That is a nice idea! Redecorate the tanks and other things without moving them. I move the things I am permitted to move lol just really feel icky and I see photos before I put the room THIS way and like it better THAT way. My husband like “NOPE” It’s like the flow is all outta whackadoodle.


EXACTLY. When my dad passed we immediately rearranged the house. It was so hard on my mom. It makes a HUGE difference.
I miss the 80s. Those cool school photos. The reflection ones. “Smile….look soulful”
lol I shouid put them up since we are never changing this house til the end of time. Thank you! I needed these laughs! I’m just like when did my husband become the home decorator police. I think I was drunk and let it happen now it’s aggravating shhhhh


Don’t feel bad about your resets. Some people get it the first try, where others(like me), have 134 recorded resets under their belt. Sometimes all that pain and suffering is necessary in order to fully grasp the desire to quit. One day you’ll just know you’re done :heart:


No one can see your resets but you. :slightly_smiling_face:. Happy moving. :dizzy:

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Maybe you can start by changing something that clearly benefits him? I don’t know, rearrange some stuff that puts his chair closer to the window, or gives him more room in a specific area, or that empties out a nook in the garage for his things…
That might start changing his mind about changes.

Love this, my partner and me have also definitely done more adventurous things with the money saved but not travelled as much as you have, what’s your next big thing?


My stats on the sobriety counter had so many resets it looked like I was flatlining but the reality is we keep trying. Eventually I deleted the history and made a promise to myself to stop looking back at my failures and to never add another reset, I’ve also lost count of the amount of times I deleted the history too :joy: but the point is this…

Somehow someday our dedication to sobriety can pay off. Today I’m far from flatlining, today I’m alive.


Oh yes!!! Dublin to Belfast then Belfast to London then London to Paris for the Olympics :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: And Italy next Summer :heart: Since being sober I’ve gone to Hawaii, New York, Florida a few times, Canada, Ireland, England, Vegas a few times, the Grand Canyon and hosted guests visiting Cali :grinning: I’ve gone to see Duran Duran in concert, amusement parks, and visited lots of family and friends!! It’s been AMAZING!!! What a trade off to alcohol negatives and throwing money away on it :roll_eyes: I’m glad you asked because it gives me a jolt of happiness to list everything!!! Ha ha!!


i just remember as it happened today: When I get a real bad codependent mimimi attack … I clean the toilet. Helps tremendously to cut off every craving for togetherness as he never, ever cleaned it :see_no_evil:

I think this counts for odd :wink:


Totally potty :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The time that I was able to stay sober the longest, I had done a ritual. I got in some clothing I loved, and spent the day digging up dandelion roots. I then washed them, roasted them, chopped up, and dehydrated them. The tea they made tasted amazing. It took the whole day but afterwards I felt like I left Tonya, the alcoholic behind, and started new as Tea.

I stayed sober for well over a year after that. My partner thought I was all better and we could start having drinks with dinner…yeah, you know the rest. As soon as I slipped, I haven’t found a way back yet.

Maybe I should start getting ready to make dandelion tea again…