Old Habits Die Hard

Addiction is a disease. And replacing a habit with another habit isn’t trying to get the addiction under control its just covering it up. U need to recognise ur addiction and try to fix why ur using.


“try and replace a habit with a habit. swap the bad habit for a new one that’s positive and encouraging. something motivating and that enriches your life.”

for example - instead of using your drug of choice (bad habit) try developing new activities (good habits) like meditation/exercise/journaling/crafting/baking/reading…

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Its very usefully never be alone.

@Courtney_Phillips, Thank you, yes I know they do I’ve downloaded all of these. I wish everybody knew this. This is a good thing thank you! for the information! Without this theses informational files I would have never made it 340 days sober and clean. :hugs::blush::purple_heart:

Go back to NA. Sleep well eat well. I have 144 days clean.


Exercise is working to me. I replace bad friendship.


I am going to preface this with: This doesn’t work for everybody, so if you think it will be too tempting don’t do it!!!

I am a very habitual person. Everything in my life deserved a drink to go with it, after work, mowing the lawn, putting the kids to bed, making dinner, going to the lake, camping… I found that substitution was the easiest way to break habit. I keep non alcoholic beers in my fridge and non alcoholic wine in the pantry, and sparkling water with lime (vodka soda w/lime was a usual for me). I find that just one na drink does the trick, I get the habitual factor taken care of but none of the alcohol to keep me drinking.


@Jess76, I have 338 days clean and sober… I go to NA 3 times a week. And AA 2 times a week. And eat well and sleep well… Thats why i dont understand your message? But thank you very much!