Old Habits Die Hard

So, a few weeks ago I joined, had my last bottle of wine, was super gung-ho about quitting drinking, had a breakdown alone and another with my husband regarding the fact that I think I’m an alcoholic. Was ready to stop, made it a week, and went back to my old weekend ways.
My main problems right now, is getting out of my habits. Mid week I go to “lunch” with a co-worker which is really 2 beers and back to work. But then a few hrs later, I need to go back out for more drinks to keep the party going . I don’t know how to tell her I don’t want to go anymore and not ready to publicly admit I shouldn’t drink anymore.
Fri and sometimes Sat are huge triggers too. Get home, start drinking. I don’t go out and party, it’s just the wine at home.
So moral of the story how do you break old habits??? I end up binge drinking wine usually 2 to 3 days a week. I just feel super weak right now. I thought I could do this.

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my two cents would be - try and replace a habit with a habit. swap the bad habit for a new one that’s positive and encouraging. something motivating and that enriches your life. what are your interests? maybe discover new ones?

*note - that is pretty easy advice to give, and i realize that. i consciously didn’t do shit about my bad habits/addictions for well over a decade haha. so i don’t want to come off like doing so is some simple task.

best to you! :slight_smile:

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@jchavez3, This is easy. How about replacing the bottle of wine with a meeting. They have these everywhere. Even at lunch time you can take lunch with you and taking an meeting is easy to find. You can catch one on the internet. Even in the parking lot you don’t have to leave your car. You can even download them and listen to him through your earphones. Or you can invest in the big book. It’s really inexpensive about half the cost of a bottle of wine. A chapter of reading out of the big book, that would be productive and it would also give you hope and encouragement. Or how about calling on a friend that doesn’t drink. If you went to a meeting you’d find some friends that don’t drink! that way you’d have a friend a call that doesn’t drink. There’s a hundred excuses to drink! I know you’d find there’s a whole world out there that we don’t know about. We meaning us alcoholic and users. That is wonderful, a whole world of people that we don’t know about but we are so good at making all theses excuses we want to drink! Good luck and I’ll pray for you.:innocent: But in the meantime you need to sit down and talk to your higher power about what is important to you. And figure out if your in the right mindset…:hugs::heart::heart:


You’re just setting yourself up for failure. Why do that? You need to ask yourself what you set out to achieve from that. You have to change people, places, and things. You need meetings for 90 days whether it’s online or listening to on an iPod. You really do. I know I have three hundred and some days clean. You have to change your whole mindset. This isn’t just about changing a physical need, this about changing a mental need as well! But it’s your life your body! I’ll tell you after about 90 days clean you’ll see your face changes your body changes. Look in the mirror and you’ll go oh my God I am one sexy girl. Believe me I have a confidence that you’ve never had. Hey but I ain’t talking you into doing anything you’re not ready for. It’s your life. I just know what’s what I’ve been there I’ve done that! I’m on the other side of the bottle and drugs looking in not out!


@Run, Sorry you didnt like what i had to say. I was in no way trying to be mean or insulting. I was just trying to point out the recovery is hard work. And it takes hard work to become recovered and it for a lifetime, and you really have to want it. It’s not something that’s given to you. Good luck :crossed_fingers:on your recovery. I really am praying for you and wish only the best for you and hope you find your way.:innocent::hugs::purple_heart:


Thanks! Just to be clear it’s the bottle of wine I drink after work a few nights a week. I guess I’m not at a point (so I thought) where I needed meetings or outside help. Thought I could say I’m done drinking and that was that.

You were the one seeking help! Drinking while working & binge drinking…sorry.

Yeah I am seeking help… just wanted to clarify my situation. Not sure if you drinking and giving advice is in my best interest though.?

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@jchavez3, I haven’t drank in over 325 days. I am very sober and very clean. Sorry to have upset you again…:hugs::purple_heart: I was truly trying to help you…


Enjoy your day and take care

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Trust me if you can’t trust yourself right now, you CAN and ARE doing this! People tend to think that unless we are 100%successful the first time with things, then we failed. Not true.
Just you joining, and coming here asking for help, is a success. You questioning your habits, and talking with your husband, is success. NOTHING worthwhile happens overnight. I’m very close to where you are, weekends are the worst (so much time to think! So much time to fill!) And I’ve had to cut friends off that were triggers for me. Maybe you’re not ready right now to tel your friends how you feel (i haven’t told all mine) but you could say you’re on a diet for now. Everybody knows how that goes!!
We are here for you, I’m here. Remember, you are ALREADY DOING IT. that woman you see yourself becoming?? She’s already inside you, blossoming.


@jchavez3 The Google play store has an app of the big book that is free too. im not sure if this would be helpful to you but i know i use my phone for everything. Good luck to you.

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This is my issue, I can’t figure out anything to replace drinking. ? I might read a book for a week but I soon get bored.

Ha thank you. I do paint, make furniture, hike go to the lake. I’m issue is I drink when I’m happy. If I’ve had a good day and been outside fishing etc I came home and want to drink. I’ve gotten into that habit. I think maybe with time I can change it to wanting to just watch a movie. Think I probably should start meeting again


I’m the same. My issue is my routine. I have other hobbies like running, but after my run I think a glass of wine sounds great! I always seem to find a way to pair wine with whatever I’m doing.

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Es muy util nunca estay solo. Ir a las reuniones de NA. Dormir y comer bien. En mi caso recuerdo lo mierda que me senti la ultima vez. Tengo 143 dias limpio hoy es dificil peri se puede.

I can’t understand this? Can someone help me understand what this says?

Go back to NA. Sleep and eat well. He remembers the shit that …something. He has 143 days clean today and it’s tough. Something like that anyway

muy util nunca estay solo. Ir a las reuniones de NA. Dormir y comer bien. En mi caso recuerdo lo mierda que me senti la ultima vez. Tengo 143 dias limpio hoy es dificil peri se puede.

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@Jess76, Ok, i dont think this was ment for me🤔

I was a binge drinker, 50 days sober now. I didn’t drink everyday, just on weekends- but it was two bottles of wine almost each Friday and Saturday. I would wake up hungover and hating myself for feeling like I had no self control. I told my husband and a first he didn’t take it seriously, I didn’t either honestly. I would google what an alcoholic was, and look into options online but was convinced that since I didn’t drink everyday that I didn’t have a problem. Then two months ago, for whatever reason I decided to have margitas instead of wine on that Friday night which then turned into tequila shots and the next thing I know I blacked out and apparently hurt myself (even though I had no sober suicidal thoughts, I’m a very happy girl:) ) anyways I ended up in the hospital and five days in a pyschiatric hospital… long story short I wish I would’ve trusted my instinct and knew that there was a reason I thought I had a problem. I’m not saying the same would happen to you obviously, just wanted to share my similar drinking struggles, hope this helps somehow. Best of luck