Omg how many times to l have to reset

I have been with this for a year now. Still have slip ups. Just left a job which bought me anxiety and for my well being thought best solution get out of. I am recovering from a breast operation too. Which is ok actually. But still the slightest thing tips me over and l have a drink. Feeling annoyed and anxious. I don’t drink loads like 3 cans of K cider like every now and then but feel guilty bad and shouldn’t do it. I need answers and to find a way to stop all together. I was doing the Book but it wasn’t helping. I’m not a believer of god and do not understand it. I go to meetings but finding them boring. Their not helping now. I don’t know what the answer is anymore!!


I’m not religious so didn’t go down the AA route, I’m currently doing SMART recovery instead and absolutely love it, I also did cognitive behaviour therapy which was really helpful at the start of sobriety. You need to find what is available in your area, there are so many alternatives out there I’m sure you can find what works for you. Going to your doctor is a good start as they may be able to point you in the right direction and may be offer medication if required


I’m not religious but I’m in a 12 step program. But no matter what program or system anyone decides to follow, it only works if you work it. And it only works if your DOC stops being an option anymore. There has to be resolve. If one thinks they can stop for a while until they get a handle on it then start again, it’s never going to work. If one gives the same old ‘drunks promise’ of “I feel so bad… I’m never drinking again!” the day after, but never make any changes, then it’s doomed to fail. You get out what you put in. Peace. :heart:


Nothing changes if nothing changes. If you keep doing the same thing you will keep getting the same outcome.

AA works for me on a daily basis and I have a wonderful life today.


Where I am the bible is used alot in AA, @DarrenUK, is that the same up your way? I can’t quote every meeting of course and I’m not adverse to AA, just not my route right now

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It works for religious and non religious people alike. Chapter 4 I believe is dedicated to the agnostic.


As a viable long term option to keep me sober I have it in my head to go as my courses are not going to last forever. I am christened under the church of England, I was religious before, I went to Sunday school, still have my bible and can quote parts of the bible to people who are religious, I lost my faith and I don’t feel ready to revisit it, like most things in sobriety it starts out uncomfortable and eventually you break through. I’m just not at the point of breaking though yet, I’m more than happy to recommended it to others as I do believe it will help them

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Awesome that your not quitting quitting.

I think you need to look at what you have been doing. Write it down so you can see it. Then change it! What you have been doing isn’t working.

You got this!

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I struggled for 17 long years.

I came to a point I had to admit defeat. I admitted I was powerless over alcohol. My life had became unmanageable.

I was willing to go to any length for sobriety.

My way had failed. I had to listen to AA members

I liked what I saw in their lives. They helped me.

I learned 1 day at a time. Yesterday was gone. Tomorrow was not here. That left me today.

I could do 1 day. If a day was too much 1 hour or even a Minuit at a time.

I was told I could leave the meeting and need never drink again.

1 day at a time I have continued. I have not drank since that final time.

That was 28 years ago. I say that not to make you envious. If I can do it you can.

We are here to help and support you in every way.

Your Friend John :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:


I love people with long term sobriety. You light the path for people like me. Thank you.


Can I call you pastor Tomi?

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Maybe I’m still trying to figure out what it does actually mean to me, :confused: I have a religion but lost it along the way, do I want to find it again? I don’t know. How can I return to something I so strongly turned my back on many many years ago?


I was anti everything when I joined AA. I can assure you God does not hold grudges. All I had to do was invite him back into my life. I still don’t do religion at all. But I do have a higher power working in my life.


Maybe I should have said that every AA is different, you need to find what meetings you feel comfortable in, it’s just the same way with smart recovery, I didn’t like one so found another one, @Mephistopheles. Correction is very much appreciated as I am not in those meetings I have a lack of knowledge in that area


Nope haven’t seen a bible in one meeting yet. Just the BB :grinning::+1:


Well l have reset again and today is a new day. I don’t feel good in myself but l just know l can’t just have one drink. It ended in 4 cans and my partner not happy. But l am trying and yesterday happened. Not a lot l can do but just to move on. Going to a meeting tonight with my head filled with shame. It’s hard.


I’m in the same situation as you. It’s beyond frustrating.

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Been given 2 months to stop drinking and smoking or my partner is leaving me. Feel I’m doing it for myself now!!

Hey lady! I hear you…I was raised in a very unhappy strict catholic household…that being said…the concept of god or a universal power or the laws of the universe or karma etc guides what I think and do every day of my life. This only happened in the last couple years, and one thing that really helped me was recognizing that “god” is a feminine energy for me. Not sure if your history…but for me god in the church never landed for two reasons 1. My church said that Jesus was about love BUT there was no love to be found there, just rules and judgement etc. and 2. They kept saying he!! When I started framing my concept of a greater power in the universe, it only made sense to me that it could be a woman. And then…things started making sense. DISCLAIMER: this is obviously just my own individual opinion and I am super ok with whatever people imagine god to be :slight_smile:️ I am simply hoping that reframing this might help another along in their sobriety.

Keep fighting❤️


I go to church weekly. I am a lay minister in my church.

I am not religious. Religion is an empty practice. I am a person of faith, who seeks communion with my Higher-Power. I am a flawed person, who has been blessed and given grace.

But I am me, and you are you. Your mileage may vary.