Once a Trainwreck...Always a....? This is my Life

Hi @Dan531! Thank you for the welcome! Yes, I have been looking into podcasts and things here recently as well! Thank you for the tip! Good luck to you in every step of your journey!

Hello pal and welcome!
38 days is a long friggin time to stay sober for alcoholics like us.
Keep up the good work.

You got some great stuff from the forum. If I could just add one suggestion. One that I am sure that you will understand because of your profession.

My suggestion is for you to always remember that there is no cure for an alcoholic. Only remission through abstinence.

No amount of sober time will ever make us okay to drink again. No amount of time sober will ever make us be able to control and enjoy our drinking again.

I always bring this up to new people because we have seen literally countless people get a few days, or a few months or even a few years under their belt and then they decide they can drink again. That they were sober long enough. That they were cured!!
The result is always the same. They pick up right where they left off in a very short amount of time.

but back to the positive. Lol.
You’re doing great.
Keep coming back!


Hey @Gabe.G! Thanks for the welcome!

Very valid point and I have actually had this conversation with a couple people I’m close with as they are now understanding why I have been acting odd and avoiding certain situations and whatnot. I am well aware that the minute I pick up that bottle I am royally fucking myself over. It sucks so bad that its like that. But it’s the honest truth. I know that I will struggle. And sadly, I’m pretty sure I will fail and give in at some point. But I’m trying to avoid thinking that way the best I can. :heart:


@IwillOVERCOME Thank you so much. You’re my first friend here!!:heart:

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@Boodoo1234 awww! I feel special! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You are so welcome! :heart::heart::heart:

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There is a freedom in accepting it tho.
Acceptance of the fact that I was an alcoholic was such a relief because it meant I didn’t have to fight any more.
No more internal negotiations with myself. No more futile attempts at moderation.

An alcoholic is by definition someone that has lost the ability to control their drinking. Accepting that and surrendering the fight equaled pure freedom for this old drunk.

You’ll be okay pal. Every day you hit the pillow sober is a win. One day at a time :wink:


True story @Gabe.G! True story!!!

“Acceptance of the fact that I was an alcoholic was such a relief because it meant I didn’t have to fight any more.”

What a powerful statement @Gabe.G!! That REALLY resonates with me.

Thanks. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello again and wow, good for you for telling your story, it is a very important/helpful but difficulty step to take.Making it through all you did and staying sober for 38 days?! Very impressive tbh, I wish you the best of luck and same to you as well, you are not alone in this! YOU GOT THIS!


Hey there @FrozenBiscuit! Thank you. I almost changed my mind and didnt post. :heart:


Well glad you did, seriously, good for you!


I wish I could love everyone’s post more than once.

I felt so weak and pathetic posting what I’ve been through. Even knowing I left out some of the worst. But everyone is so uplifting. It’s such a good feeling to know that there are people that understand. I am thankful to be here with you all. I know that I am sometimes not the best with my words and putting my thoughts together so I apologize for that.

Also. I read a quote yesterday that caught my attention: “She was unstoppable. Not because she didn’t have failures or doubts, but because she continued on despite them.”

I hope you all had a wonderful day! I’ve got to attempt to get some sleep…morning comes early. It’s another new day tomorrow and I’ve got a long shift ahead of me to work. Goodnight all!


@IwillOVERCOME Hey Michelle how are you holding up?

Completely exhausted. Wanting to drink. Will edit my reply in a few min…phone and internet connection being weird.

Edit @Ravikamor : Completely exhausted…not use to working 12-16hr shifts again anymore. Wanting to drink so badly today. I just keep telling myself “No, dont do it. Its day #40…you’re fine. You’re doing great!”. But that little devil is just still lingering there as always. I came home from the boyfriend’s to check on the dog and get some work clothes in case I stay the night. I have a short 4hr shift to work tomm and a doc appt and tons of errands to run. Lots to do this week before I go back to work for the weekend. How are you today? :heart:


I’m good! Yes that little booger doesn’t shut up does he? I hear him too. We will just ignore him :wink: it sounds like you’re staying busy though. That’s good. But over 40 days is awesome. I say we make it to 90! I’m at 2 months next Sunday :slight_smile:


Today, I am 10 days sober for the third time, and currently on vacation with my large family of drinkers. Everyone has agreed that they would keep our beach house dry in order to support my early recovery. However, I also know that many of my siblings have left to “go on a walk” (to the liquor store) and then went to a neighbor’s to drink. I really appreciate their support this week, but am feeling very jealous, craving alcohol a lot, and really striving to not go out and get some. This is the first time writing in a community on this app. I’ve tried many times to be sober and am determined to make it past (this beach week) a month!


Good going, Julia! Drinking isn’t needed to enjoy yourself. Stay strong, you’ll be happy waking up without a hangover. :wink::+1::heart:


I feel the craving the alcohol right now. It’s been a very difficult few days for me. Keep holding strong! I hate to say it but I may just buckle tonight.

Is there something else that you can do Michelle instead of picking up that drink tonight? Just wondering. (Maybe reaching out and talk to someone that understand your situation?) let me know if you think of something. :heart:

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Noo Michelle, I hope you didn’t give in! How are you today?? Sending hugs!

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