One addiction at a time right

I really want to stop smoking but giving up beer was so much easier. Trying to find other ways to help with this smoking. Cutting out stress is been the hardest thing to do lately. Some people will not just let me go. Do not want to be a backbone anymore.


Give this two threads a read if you like. They’re not the most active on this forum but they sure are helpful. Personally I found help in a forum specifically aimed at quitting smoking but that one doesn’t exist no mere. There are plenty still around though. For me the number one thing is to find peer support. As it is with all addictions. We need each other. We also need knowledge. Knowledge is power and will help us build the right mindset to become permanent ex-smokers. It can be done! 3216 Days smoke free here and never going back to filthy lying killing nicotine. Good example: smoking doesn’t help with fighting stress. All it does is alleviate the extra stress caused by nicotine addiction. Wishing you all success Tbear.


Thanks looking into it.