One more try

Well hello everyone, here again going for my second day alcohol free, i was necer a averyday drinker, just that when i do i heavy drink and that led me in to so much ploblems, family wise, health, i pretrnd to be stronger this time, the most i did once was 100 days a while ago, hope to be better this time and to keep in mind why im taking this decition, any advice will be more than welcome, thanks for reading also


Progress not perfection!


Welcome to the forum! Way to go on day 2! One thing that really helped me in early recovery is to write down my reasons for quitting. I wrote down exactly how i felt and expressed how desperate i was to quit using. Then every time i had an urge to use, id read my list over and remind myself why I wanted to quit. It really helped. That and distraction (like the gym). I also attended online 12 step meetings thru the Intherooms app. Anything to stay recovery focused :slight_smile:


Welcome. Congrats on day 2 of sobriety. You have found a great resource to remain sober. Do you have a plan in place? Are you open to AA or other recovery options?


Thank you, i will see to do the list of many reasons why to remind me why i should stay sober


Hello, and yes i am unfortunately i donde one near by, but you know one online? Not thr same but it will work better than nothing i guess

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Welcome @Alejandro8419 .

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Here you will find online meetings:

Welcome here Alejondro :raising_hand_woman:
What helped me a lot in my recovery was being here a lot. Read others stories and feel the connection so I felt less alone in my addiction.
Venting about my own struggles big ore small to get them out of my chest. Asking for help when cravings kick in instead of picking up.
A thread where I was every day the first year of my recovery was this one:

Check it out! You will be welcomed there! It’s a very active and surportive thread where we check in sober to keep ourselves accountable.

See you around Alejandro,
If you have questions just ask! :wink::raising_hand_woman:


@Alejandro8419 welcome! What you wrote sounds familiar. I didn’t drink daily but when I did it was heavy handed. I’ve stopped many times but sooner or later tought I could moderate. Surprise surprise it never worked.
I restarted my journey this week. We can do this.


I have some medical issues that tells me this os one of the few last chances i have to quit, ome coz i lost a kidney long ago, so yes, lets go for it!

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Browse the Directory of Online Meetings – Online Intergroup of Alcoholics Anonymous check this out…