Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Fantastic @MrFantastik

@Mira_D Sending condolences. Hope being with your family soothes.

@Butterflymoonwoman Good luck with your speech!


@tailee17 Congrats on your 7 months! :tada: Happy to see you reaping the benefits of all your hard work​:pray:

@Butterflymoonwoman Goodluck with your speech :smiley: I’m sure you’ll be great!


I thought it was Thursday all day :sweat_smile: I don’t usually work Friday lunch so I think that threw me off. I kept reminding myself to pay the water bill tomorrow morning with my check, when I could’ve gone today after work! Luckily it’s due Monday, so I’m good. Last cycle, I got it as I was leaving for work and set it in a stack of papers to be forgotten(and got a late fee :unamused:). I didn’t realize it was Friday until my mom called to see if we wanted to have lunch at ‘Locktober’ fest tomorrow and I was like “Well, Zoi will be in school…” and she’s like “What?! No!” :laughing::joy::rofl: I was just happy to realize I can sleep in! It’s been a while.

Just me and my sober friend(and bar manager) at work today. She’s worried about this member(I know his daughter from my previous job). A year ago he asked her how she quit drinking bc he wanted to. He didn’t. A month ago he wasn’t drinking and mentioned it was bc his doctor told him to quit. Didn’t last long. Now recently retired, he’s gotten real bad, real fast. He came in 3 separate times for drinks today during my 6 hour shift. Shaking the first time. He’s got this yellow/grey tint to his skin and eyes. Acting totally out of character. I think he’s seriously ill and doesn’t know how else to deal with it. Sad to see a real life reminder of where we’d end up if we kept going :pensive: I hope he gets it right before it’s too late :pray: Have a great, sober weekend everyone.


Good luck speaking. You got it! :facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2::facepunch:t2:


Day 1077 AF

There is nothing new to report. Same shit different day. Anotha day anotha dolla. Still sober.

Got the Saturday shift tomorrow and then going to my nephew’s bday party.

I hope all is well with everyone. Goodnite!

ODAAT :heart: take care. :v:


The second time I’ve seen this milestone, and hopefully the last time … :pray:t2:

Not much to report. Planning a chilled weekend of gym, nice cooking and some self care with a face mask or three. Football was great last night, we won 7-0 at Selhurst Park. It’s meant to be sunny and cold today as a brief break from rain, then we dive straight back into the wet stuff again. I’ll go chase some rays :sunny:.

I’m not having too much luck this week with adulting stuff like having no hot water for two days and now my radiators don’t work. I tried to bleed the one and I was a little over enthusiastic shall we say…I hate having to get help. But I have a plan today to bleed all the other radiators in turn first towards the broken one, then bleed that one again gently. If you don’t hear from me…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


301 days
Busy day. Kids swimming, then gym for the kids (took the chance to get a workout in for myself).
Then we went to the beach for a walk with some friends before I had to get back for some more training with a team of people from the gym.
Wifes gone to work tonight so I’ll just be chilling and watching the rugby on tv.

Thanks @JennyH @JazzyS @acromouse @Misokatsu for the well wishes. It wasn’t a milestone I was counting down to but was nice to be acknowledged. And in hindsight day1 me would have thought it was a massive deal.


*Day 2201 :walking_woman:
Maybe I have to change my profilename into sobersitter, do not walk much lately :blush:
Ore a chair instead of the walking person emoji.
Enfin, it is what it is…
At home again after 2 weeks in France, read a lot of books. Came home one day earlier.
Happy to sleep in my own bed again. Had some stupid cravings yesterday because my youngest was telling us about all the booze he has bought. One of them was a liqueur I used to drink. The memories about the taste and feeling in my mouth gave me cravings. But they where easy to kick out of my system.

This little snake I saw sunbading right in front of our holiday cottage. Even the owner haven’t seen it before. Nice catch.
Today? Chilling a bit and going to the movies: The substance.
Have a good day ore night all! :raising_hand_woman:


Amazing, congratulations on 9 months!

Poor Crystal Palace, think this league is a bit of a shock, but glad you got the benefit of so many goals. I am off to see my daughter’s match now (beautiful crisp day). They are a bit like Crystal Palace atm though :joy: Lost lots of players last minute, and now their GK broke her collarbone.

Hope you have a great day making the most of the weather!


Checking in Day 8. Last night I went to sleep really appreciating the gift I have been given of sobriety. I have resolved to do everything in my power to make the most of this time and not fall back into bad habits once I am no longer pregnant.

Have a good Saturday everyone


Haven’t checked in, in a while.
2.5 years no alcohol
15 days and only 3 smokes.
I hope everyone is getting through those rough moments. X


@SoberWalker Well, SoberSitter does sound interesting. You could also go for SoberBored :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I really do hope your foot starts behaving better soon.
@MrFantastik When I read how your day1 me would have reacted to 300 days of sobriety, I thought that I could look at my life more from the perspective of my day1 me. I would be thrilled about every second of my life compared to what it was 300 days ago. So thanks for reminding me how to appreciate life :smiling_face:
@Tragicfarinelli Congrats on 9 months. You have a baby :rofl: Now with the radiators I feel you. My dad once tried to “fix” the radiator in my room and the end result was my whole room basically from floor to ceiling sprayed with oily, brownish muck. It was really great. I don’t know how long it took me to forgive him.
@Butterflymoonwoman Rooting for you Dana. I already can see you shining at the fund raiser!

311 sugar
175 UPF
49 gluten
49 dairy

Did the groceries already. I like to have that done in the morning and not bother with it later in the day.
My daugher’s migraine is gone for now. Aparrently it takes two days currently for one to pass. I hope this gets better with time. But for today I am very happy she is back to her usual moody teenage self :grin:
It is Saturday, and that means taking care of my IT-tools and my plants today. Stuff around the flat. Other than that I am not sure about the rest of the day. Maybe a short hike or bike ride. I have some nice books going here I could dive deep into. Maybe some anime. Maybe a Dharma meeting.

A cute stone monster from my last hike for you.

Whatever comes my way I am going for peace and love of life :lotus:


Congratulations on your 9 months!!! Wow…I am loving seeing you stacking up the days :muscle:t4:.


Wishing you well with the radiator and hot water issues. Seriously if it’s not one thing…


Yeah, it seems unfair… But unless we have an American style closed league there will be this problem of teams qualifying with their trousers and having no pants on underneath.

I felt sorry for them. My other half is from near Crystal Palace and played for them back in the day… Bittersweet.



@MrFantastik congrats on 300+ days :tada:
@JennyH congrats on your week :tada:
@acromouse thank you :blush: sending you energy :battery:
@Ray_M_C_Laren congrats on another year :tada::trophy::star2: enjoy your adventures :blush:
@Mira_D :people_hugging::mending_heart:
@tailee17 congrats on 7 months :tada:
@Shel75 good luck with the fundraisers :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Butterflymoonwoman good luck with your speech :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: and good for you for standing up to that taxi driver :clap:t2:
@DanaM56 feel better soon 🩵
@Tragicfarinelli congrats on 9 months :tada:

1509 days no alcohol.
974 days no cocaine.
5 days no vape.
4 days no binge-eating.

Therapy yesterday was okay, I didn’t feel as emotional afterwards as I did last week. My addict was still in my head though, trying to make me vape or binge, but I did neither. Our sessions will be in-person starting from next week, it will be a 7hr round trip for me, for a 50min session, gets me out though.

I didn’t fall asleep until 3am this morning. Somehow I resisted eating all the fruit etc that I bought last night for this morning though, that was a relief.

Today, hopefully some cleaning jobs, and an episode of one of the programs I’m watching…but without bingeing crisps!

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



@KellyKelly congrats on 2.5 years :tada: and for tackling another addiction too :no_smoking:


Happy Saturday my friends! Going to be a busy day. Mirning walk, teaching classes, a Mason family event, then a Martial Arts Masters meeting. No time to drink! Good haha!

Make it an awesome day my friends!!!


Day 229
Today was a real struggle. The first tough day I’ve had in ages. It was AFL Grand Final day which is our Superbowl Day. All week like usual we’ve been bombarded with ads for liquor this liquor that all rammed down our throats. I just felt completely overwhelmed. I managed to watch the game in peace but there was this underlying annoyance just gnawing at me. Having read This Naked Mind I understand the advertisement of alcohol and what not but it just really seemed to rattle me these past few days and in particular today. I spoke openly and honestly with my partner and told her I didn’t feel the urge to drink but was more just disappointed at the normality which alcohol plays in society. After the game ended, I suggested we go to a nearby beach to relax. Best thing to do.
Keep up the good fight my friends.


@CATMANCAM @JazzyS Cheers guys, appreciate your heads up!

Checking in,

Feeling pretty rough (cold or flu) so today was relatively uneventful. All I can do is wait it out. It’s been raining on & off today anyway, and weekend, so at least it chose a ‘good’ time & not earlier or later! :sweat_smile:

Good night from South Australia anyways folks :v:


Wow what a huge success you manifested

I havnt had a day like that with alcohol but i did with ciggs and weed. My tough days werent from ads but cravings. J managed to beat the cig craving but relapsed on pot and really almost fked up my life big time just because of 1 bowl of pot, believe it or not

Addiction will distroy us
Not everyone gets addicted i would think… but we are and thags why it will distroy us

Thank you for the shere and picture