When you’re feeling overwhelmed Heidi, Talking Sober is a good place to be… You will find a lot of incredible people here, and some that might be having some of the same feelings that you are experiencing. Look for the similarities, they’re there… Keep reaching out, you’re not alone. Wishing you peace and serenity in your journey of sobriety
Congratulations on 12 hours of sobriety Sarah. When you’re feeling scared, log on to Talking Sober, this is a good, safe place to be for alcoholics and addicts like us. You will meet some amazing people and read some incredible stories of how people manage to live life on life’s terms clean and sober. Wishing you peace and serenity on your journey in sobriety.
Strong, understand myself alittle more, keeping it simple,not being harsh on myself really helps having such high expectations of my day can be what messes it all up so just letting the day unfold it’s going to anyway with or without me trying to minipulate or force the outcome
Ah Lisa why I feeling defeated.im here if u ever wanna DM me love you💖
You’re in the right place Sarah, stick around and read lots , share with us if you are ready but just stick around, there is always someone here to help it’s a great place to start your road to a sober life . Welcome and sending you hugs and love . You can go this one hour … one minute at a time. Remember the present moment is the only one that exists and just stay focussed xx
Calm and blessed
hey stop hogging and get back in the memes thread, we all need to know our place in life and turns out memes is yours
America is going down the toilet and Rona is having a great big party here.
I’m sticking to the serenity prayer a lot today and hope to stick with it each and every day til we are out of this funk. Along with my gratitude list each day I hope to not be so depressed.
I’m going to try and spend more time on the TS app with y’all and see if that helps too. So far today has been pretty good.
3 words…energized, accomplished, and excited!
I’m feeling F.I.N.E.
F***d up
I can finally look in the mirror again.
optimistic but cautious
Miserable just can’t anymore
I feel…excited…but sad… my 4th oldest out of six children’s graduation party is tomorrow and I just got done doing his poster boards!! So sad, to see the time fly from birth to being a young man ready to go off into the world on his own…
What a happy looking young man. That’s great!! Time sure does fly. Can’t believe my youngest is 30.