One word on how you feel today #2 (Part 2)

I’m sorry to hear that Steve. Hopeless is a hard feeling.

Do you mind if I ask why?


Oh, no. But you are here, and here there is HOPE. Tons of it! We’re right here with you. How can we help?


Welcome to the community Steve
So sorry you are feeling hopeless today!
Whats going on my friend - can we help? Do you want to talk about it.
Stick around…we are here for you…hopes alive my friend! :people_hugging:

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Just finally hit rock bottom i guess. Never had family, just lost the one i made. 12 years of issues i cant fix. No support. No friends. Just work and seeing my kids. Still fresh, itll get better. The kids mom has been amazing. In recovery herself. But all this time alone is hard. Dont even know what to tell my 3 and 4 year old daughters other than im sorry and im trying to get better and fix everything.


You have friends here. :people_hugging:


Hugs my friend :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:
I am so sorry but this is not the end - its the beginning.

Yes— keep telling them that but more importantly- show them!

Go to meetings - find a sponsor- you are not alone
You will have to change up your routines and add distractions so that you can side step the urges.
This is an incredibly supportive community full of love and support - most of all it has 0 judgment. You are among peers.

Read the threads and join in when comfortable- the Checking in daily to maintain focus #55 helps me with accountability and my Daily Gratitude List. Gratitude The Air Of Recovery is absolutely amazing - gives me a purpose for life.

All sorts of hope my friend. You are stronger than your addiction. :muscle: hope to see you around


lost and stupid (I had to write ten letters, so two words iit is)


I feel yah there man. I was a CNA for seven years, I had a beautiful truck, motorcycle dirtbikes. Great credit, only for addiction to take over, I lost everything, had to two girls with a abusive cheating ex, yes I had parts in it too but it fucked me up. Now my girls are 5 and 7 and I’ve been apart of their life since they were born and I consider myself a good dad, I had a good 1.5 years sober with them, but now here I am living in a half way house and have been away from them for a year, only getting to see them once a month and sometimes more if my mom can make it to me for special occasions. I’m fucking lost dude, I haven’t had a license in ten years. I’m homeless aside from this halfway house I have nowhere to go, my mom won’t let me back and I completely understand. I signed up for college but i don’t even know how im going to get back forth to classes. They don’t have a bus that goes there. Idk fuck this rant


Ashamed. :pensive:


Focused :muscle::+1::smile_cat:


Did you slip?

Absolutely not. Still have 1,351 days.


Thankfull !


I love that word! I too, am Thankful!
Thankful to be here with you, and for soo many other things. Need to get my Thankful head to bed. Goodnight, Friend!


Normal :sunglasses::man_dancing:.


Existing :slightly_frowning_face::pray:


Ugh. Im sitting here lost and losing my composure constantly. I get my kids 4-5 days out of the week. Youve got it so much worse than me. I have an amazing job, just started a month ago. Ive got my kids 4-5 days of the week. Ive been an addict since i was about 9 or 10. This week has been the longest ive been sober from alcohol, pills, or cocaine in probably 15 years.

Just realizing the life ive built and the friends and the lifestyle… it wasnt for my family. Its been for me. Ive been so selfish. Ive lied, stolen, neglected, ignored, and been indifferent. Now im just overwhelmed. Ive definitely got some metal issues. Qiuckest i can see anyone is September 4th. Always struggled in certain aspects, normally interpersonal. So im here trying to cope and figure this out. But my “friends” arent really my friends. Thats who i surrounded myself with for my convenience. Just feel alone and like a failure. Ex is coming to grab the kids later. So then 3 days of loneliness. Gone 13hrs a day for work at least.





OOOH it’s the weekend and trying to stay sober - is this where your anxiety is coming from?

@BirdyP whats causing your anxiety my friend?

Sending you calming vibes to you both - hope you two are able to relax and enjoy your Sunday … :people_hugging: