One word on how you feel today

Satisfied. This was a good day. My balcony is blooming now. This was the first time since I’m in this appartment that I planted flowers sober! I really enjoyed it. It was not something I had to do to let the balcony look less shitty lol. I wanted to create my little peaceful blooming spot :blossom::green_heart::heart_eyes:
Now I’m sitting on my balcony chair, snuggled up in a jacket and a blanket on my legs enjoying a tea and listen to the birds :heart:


Flustered. 1st day on my new bid/schedule and left my wallet at home, didn’t realize until I arrived at drug test facility. Late to work after getting home to get it, got put on a different route that ends right after the drug test place closes. All my work gear is in the othet car that the wife is driving. My shades broke yesterday after basketball. Making the most of it, doing what I can. Communicating with case manager, working assigned piece of work, and bought new shades and I found a heads up penny, could be worse, I could be drunk and in oblivion!

Keep trudging the road to happy destiny folks, nothing is too big to overcome



Insomniacal, if that’s a word

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Rough day homie. Tomorrow will definitely be better.

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Wasn’t bad, just not how I wanted/envisioned. Overall a good day. On a walk now!

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Sad. . Better than numb, I guess.


Beats oblivion any day. Life is like an ocean with tides, ebbs and flows. Sometimes the seas are fair, sometimes bleak, and sometimes it’s a full on hurricane. You’re the captain of the ship, with your senses about you, gotts steer away from the storms and find safe harbors.

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Sad. I’m tired but can’t sleep. I started cleaning up some stuff that was laying around and finding the husbands beer bottles next to the couch, computer and garage. The friends I made here are all previous drinking buddies. So I guess sad because I feel I dont have friends here anymore, feeling a big ass gap between my husband and me, and my family lives in another country. Hard today staying positive :pensive: My oldest dog knows it and is more snuggly than usual, she’s awesome :slight_smile:


Determined to get clean again but devastated I relapsed again. Sorry couldn’t just pick one word

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1 word is hard to describe the emotions we go through sometimes. We have all been there, today starts a sober day.


:blush::blush::blush: got clean before I can do it again.


Pooped! 3.8 mile walk, very brisk pace at the end…raining pretty good…guess i need to check the weather before I head out.


Feeling like going insane with my collegues that behave like kids at Kindergarten aaaaaaaaaaaa! Like working in a nuthouse!!!


Tired - always tired now I have stopped drinking


Tired. Sounds like I’m in good company being tired though!


Feeling the same! Hope it’s just my body getting used to the new lifestyle and the tiredness passes.

This will pass with time. Stick with it.

Thanks will do. Just would like to think I would be full of energy. Don’t know why I am tired ? Lack of sugar from the wine maybe ?

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Anxious. But not hungover and I’m not drinking.