One word on how you feel today

Clear headed.


Tested. :muscle::flushed:


Defeated. :neutral_face:


Hope u stayed strong and got through it.

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Feelin censored. Lest people get their panties in a bunch.

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Feeling the usual negativity which is so easy to come by as soon as I got here infact the first thread I clicked on. So yea logging off again. Nice visit. (Sorry more than one word).

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Deflated struggling a lot lately sobriety is hard

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It gets easier, we’ve spent years in the routine of getting wasted, you can’t undo that in a few days. I find having goals to work towards helps, get fit, lose weight, run a marathon etc etc.


Thank you x

The way I see it, deflation is a good thing. Sobriety and sober living totally goes against everything we’ve taught ourselves.

When a building is built on bad soil, it’s only a matter of time before it will fall in on itself. Tear it down and rebuilding on firmer/sober ground will take longer and is more work than simple renovations but in the long run it will last longer.

Ego deflation isn’t a bad thing, use it to your advantage. Be more teachable, we are all leaning to live again without our crutch

Annoyed !!! First weekend is always the hardest



Lonely. Scared. Confused. Annoyed.

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TODAY I FEEL SOBER :muscle::smiley:. And its a great feeling.

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Emotional. Well, reflective might be a better word. (emotionally reflective?) :thinking: :relieved:


Nice words bro :+1:


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I know the feeling lol

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