One word on how you feel today

Seroquel. Nasty shit. I’ve been on it for over 4.5 years now. I decided a year ago that I don’t want to be on it and my psychiatrist agrees that i had a bad diagnosis. But it’s a loooooong process.

Ahh gottcha yes ive taken it before to help sleep, my dads on it too sad i feel ive probably taken everything under the sun my thoughts and prayers are with you as you taper down :heart::heart::heart:

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Will naproxen work that’s all i have

Yeah, it’s used for fever. Hopefully it will help! Mine always felt like a fever with the chills, but I didn’t feel like I had the flu.

Perfect thank you :blush:

My temp was all over the place. Thats because your blood pressure is irregular. I was cold to the bone for a few months… I was very sensetive to temperature detoxing…


For once.

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This time around the hot flashes didn’t last long im just frozen all the time… my circulation is probably off too cause i quit smoking couple years ago but started smoking when using again then when i quit dope i quit smoking too… how long did the cold last any tips?

Id say 2 months then it would happen random n eventually stopped n never noticed…

Oh ok i got this


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Grateful as I have connected to someone on this app who is very nice and we message and chat, and I am so grateful for that. Thank you @Natnat You help me more than you will ever know with our conversations😊

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Disappointed :disappointed:

Excited! Day 605 but I bought my first bowling ball today. I will be starting my second league soon and this new hobby is also shared with my kids as they enjoy the Friday night bowling too!




Digging the retro vans…:facepunch:t2::call_me_hand:t3:


My daughters. I need a pair too!

I think everyone should own a
at least one pair…

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Today I feel MAGICK.

