One year, no matter what, (JDFD!)

Hey all, been a bit since I have posted. Wanted to give a bit of an update. Reached 1 year of sobriety on January 10th. What a year it has been.

Things I have learned-

If you put in the work, you will see results.
How to accept life better on life’s terms.
Coping skills.
Healthy communication with others.
Setting boundaries.
Taking rest when needed.
Trusting and having faith in a higher power of my understanding.
Dealing with Fears and how to manage them.
Life and sobriety is progress not perfection.
Having patients and tolerance for situations and others.
Dealing with resentments.
How to pause before reacting ( still a work in progress).
Understanding that in life people go through ups and downs and how to handle them.
Reaching out for help when needed.
Able to handle situations that used to baffle me.
The people who give a shit if you don’t drink anymore really aren’t your friends.
How meaningless and stupid hanging out with a bunch of drinkers is, no meaningful conversations, nothing interesting to engage in, (just my opinion).
Most people who aren’t addicts don’t seem to recognize how challenging it is to get and actually stay sober.

Probably the two most important things for me

  1. Everything is going to be ok. (faith)

  2. (Just Don’t Fucking Drink) no matter what.

Things that helped me along the way-

Higher power of my understanding.
fellowship in AA.
Getting a good support system of sober friends to talk to/ go to meetings with.
Sharing in meetings and going on commitments.
Working the steps.
Support from family/ girlfriend.
Sobriety Podcasts.
Books-Big book of Alcoholics Anonymous,
Daily reflection,Stools and bottles, 24 hours a day, Little red book, The power of Now.
Talking Sober Community.
Staying away from people and places where drinking was involved, (especially for the first 6 months). Unless there was a legitimate reason to be there.
Guarding my sobriety at all costs.
Letting go and Letting God.
Staying out of my head.

Things that did not help me in my journey-

Being too tired/ busy for meetings and reaching out to other alcoholics.
Focusing on being happy.
Trying to stay out of my head.
Overworking myself to the point of getting run down/ burnt out/ Sick.
Going to events where drinking was involved to try to still be social.
Dwelling on the past- guilt, shame, regret.
Trying to be right.
Trying to run my own show.
Holding onto things I need to let go of.
Irrational fears.

Things I have gained staying sober-

Being able to look myself in the mirror again.
Peace of mind.
Contentment( work in progress)
Better relationship with family and girlfriend.
Trust and honesty with myself and others.
No more wasting money and hangovers.
Able to make rational decisions.
Being able to make decisions out of inspiration not just desperation.

And many more I can’t think of right now and also more to come.

I am extremely grateful for my sobriety, this journey, all the support I have had throughout, and for this community. There are a lot of great people on here who have helped me along the way and they don’t even know it. Thank you all for being here and fighting the good fight. Remember no matter what. Just Don’t Fucking Drink! :+1:t3::call_me_hand:t3:

Here is a link to one of my old posts when I was about 4 months sober and felt like I was banging my head against a wall. I hope looking at that post compared to this one gives you all, especially the newcomer, hope that it can get better if you put the work in.

With Love,

Matthew, (27 year old Electrician from New Hampshire).


Congrats on your year :tada: :trophy: :star2:


So very proud and happy for you brother! Everything you described resonates with me. Keep up the good work because you are worth it!


Wow !! Thank you for your share! So helpful!! Congratulations on your 1 year!


You when the inspirational drop the mic post of the day. Thank you so much for your thoughtful post on what worked and didn’t work for you. You helped so many people tonight.


Congratulations! :tada:

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Amazing. This was my first year as well. I feel incredibly blessed for my meetings and fellowship I found along the way. For people looking for an outline for sobriety, this is such a great example! Should be bookmarked :+1:t3:.


And congratulations by the way!!!

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Thank you! I have been watching your journey and you have been a big help in mine. sharing your story, progress, trials, and successes. I am proud of you!


Omg that touches my heart. Thank you for your kind words


Amazing. Thank you for sharing this. You words and expressions are deep,y appreciated.


Thanks for the inspiring post! A lot resonated with me but I particularly loved the part about people who give a shit if you don’t drink really aren’t your friends. I have some of those people in my life and it doesn’t make me want to drink when they question me it just makes me sad because I considered these people true friends but really I was just part of their drinking network. My first few days sober they really rode my ass because I was making a change and it really hurt my feelings because I didn’t respond with hate towards them for choosing to drink. I just needed to make a change in my life so why do they care so much if drink or don’t drink? It’s my life.


Yes!! Right on! Keep getting after it and thanks for another reminder of why I need to stay the course. Strong work. Happy 1 year. :clap:t3::fist_left:t3:

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Thank you for sharing your recovery story, very helpful!
Congratulations with your 1 year!! :tada::tada::tada:



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So, those friends that are uncomfortable with you not drinking very likely have drinking issues themselves. You not drinking forces them to reflect on their alcohol abuse. It’s incredibly common. And believe it or not, you can be an example to them of how awesome sobriety can be. You may have one of those friends seek you out for support when they decide to get sober. Hang in there, and obviously don’t take their comments personally.


Thank you for this wonderful, inspiring post and CONGRATULATIONS on one year!!!


well done buddy on 1 year , everything your doing is a credit to you and maybe one day at a time like me you will be a old timer wish you well