Today will be 23 days for me. My husband made it a week so far!! I am equally shocked and proud of him, but feel myself waiting for the other shoe to drop - but anyway…
We went out last night with the kids, we went to the mall here to do some activities like the mirror maze and go carts. We needed dinner so we went to (of all places) Margartiaville. I had a coke and my husband had a tea. This is a HUGE accomplishment for both of us. Out to eat, on a Friday, and NO BOOZE!!! Yay!! I felt pretty great with almost no urge and no cravings. It was pretty cool.
On another note. I want to say thanks to everyone here. Your stories and struggles have helped me understand that the things I do when I am drunk are not exclusive to me. I am not some monster or heathen, I am just another person on this planet struggling with emotions from a long time ago. So thank you all for sharing your stories of abuse, misbehavior, relapse, lack of control, struggle for control, pain, and accomplishments. This really has helped me feel like I can do this; like we can ALL do this.
I have actually found (overtime…at first it was harder) that eating out is easier. I just say “club soda” as quickly as possible and it’s done. Where I struggle is at home where I say “no” but then spend the next few hours debating whether or not I should change my mind.
I don’t mean that to say that it wasn’t a huge accomplishment…because it was. I only mean that it will get easier and easier and you won’t need to fear going out.
Thanks @VSue I actually have the same struggle! We mostly drank at home so sitting here waiting for the clock to tick 9 so I know the liquor store is closed is a typical day. One day at a time!!