Over 40 years of drinking is enough for this lifetime

Hi. My name is Billy and I’m an alcoholic.

I received a huge wake-up call on August 16th, 2024 when I got a call from my Dr’s rooms. He wanted to see me. That same day. I’d had bloodworks done the previous day.

I have Diabetes he told me. But what really shocked me was when he did a “life expectancy” forecast. If I continue at this rate I have every chance of dying from stroke or heart attack within the next 10 years.

That’s all the wake-up call I needed. I decided there and then to ditch the booze & cigarettes.

Sobriety is not an easy journey as you all know but for me I have no choice. My life and my health depend on it.

Over 40 years of drinking is enough for this lifetime.

Thanks for reading.




Welcome to the team, Billy! I was where you are about 20 months ago and have since seen my health improve dramatically so keep fighting the good fight, you’re worth it :muscle:


Right on, Billy. Not about the lab results but about doing life differently. All that is needed in the beginning is a desire to stop.

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Thank you Dirk. It’s not easy but my life depends on it. Cheers ,:v:t2:

Do let me/us know if we can help please, we’re all in this together :pray:

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Thanks for the encouragement Smitty. I need every bit of it I can get. :v:t2:

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So besides not drinking and being involved here what other sober plans/support services or other healthy life connections are you looking at doing to fill the time you used to fill with drinking & smoking?


I’m attending AA meetings and reading up on all the sobriety literature I can. I’m also looking for sobriety podcasts. If you know of any please send them my way. I also am here. And then I go back to college in 2 weeks. I was a college drop out from being drunk the whole time, so I’m giving it another go.


I haven’t personally listened but this podcast has been recommended a few times:

Also, you may find this thread useful:


You can do it!!!:pray:

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I bookmarked ‘What’s YOUR plan?’ earlier when I came across it. I read it and I felt encouraged. I’ll dip into it for sure going forward. Thanks for the podcast.


Welcome Billy :wave:
45 years of drinking here.

I downloaded this app 01/02/2020
And I am proud to say I haven’t had a drink since. I’m very active on here and this place keeps me sober.

Fat drunk and hungover was no way to go through my bronze years.

I spend most of my time on the gratitude thread each morning posting my gratitude and reading others. I retrained my brain.

Now I’m go to AA meetings now too.

I hope to see you around.


Good to hear man. AA is solid, I feel, but whatever it takes to stay the course is different for each.

I like the AA “koolaid” as I call it. And, I sip on some daily and have had no trips, slips or relapses. It saved my ass.

We find what works and we work it! See ya around, Billy.


I like to listen to AA Speakers.
Of course they got an app for that too.


You do have a choice! And you’re making the best one possible. Congratulations on your sobriety and keep up the fight!

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Hi Eric,

It’s still very much early days for me and my sobriety journey. It’s not easy but I needn’t tell you that.

I’m finding this app very useful, and indeed supportive. I’m going to need all the support I can get.

I’ll be sure to check out the gratitude thread and I’ll bookmark it too.

Thanks for stopping by with your warm welcome, and for your share.



Cheers dude. Thanks.:v:t2:

Thanks for the heads-up on the podcasts. Cheers dude :v:t2:

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Thanks Nicki. Still early days for me. I’m not finding it easy ngl. Take care :v:t2:

I like that. “Doing life differently”. I’m thinking more and more about the “alcoholic” way of thinking and living. Selfishness, poor choices, thinking errors, hurting others, grasping at temporal means to try and fill my spiritual emptiness.

There is a lot of resistance to this built up in me over time. I have not managed my life very well. I think it’s time to let Him have the reigns.