People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

This guy…omg :rofl::rofl::rofl:


That’s Gustavo. He’s the biggest and hungriest of the Flavums.


If winters got you bogged down, fear not.

Two buds on La Gordita indicate that spring is coming.

I had to do a double-take this morning, as this is pretty early for her to be waking up.

She’s gotten so big and THICC over the 2 years I’ve had her. I never expected so much from a random WalMart plant salvage.

2 years ago, earliest photo I have of her


@TMAC sooo glad to hear La Gordita has indicated spring is coming. She looks huge!!

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I’ve been so busy with outside stuff that I forgot to share that my orchids are starting their new cycle. About a month earlier than last year.


oh wow - those are beautiful :heart:

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Thanks. It’s real neat when all of the pods are open. Each orchid is a different color and pattern and theres 4 in there. It takes a little bit of time but they’re working on it. It’s been awhile since I posted in this thread and I’m excited about plants again.


oh damn - that is so cool! didn’t know that about orchids. look forward to seeing more of your pictures.

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There she is!! The queen of the cacti.




Be interesting to see what happens this weekend when I give my winter sleepers (which is like 90% of my collection) their first watering since late autumn. Usually that spurs some springtime rumblings!

Def getting big…started off about the size of a golf ball, now closer to a lacrosse ball. I love giving her a little squeeze with my fingers when I’m out there. Just a lil’ “how ya doin?” lol


I know that I’ve posted previously about crested cactus, “cristata” in Latin. Essentially meaning the cactus has a mutation where it grows in a line rather than outward 360º from the middle.

I had never seen a crested echinopsis subdenudata (the type of cactus La Gordita is) until I stumbled on a pic this morning. Super cool!


I guess technically more of a flower than a plant, but Calla Lillies are one of my faves. These beauties just sprouted in our back yard.


That looks so healthy


Here is my agave plant, Cuervo. I know. :woozy_face: I named him during my boozey days. :woman_facepalming:t4:

ANYWAYS, I got him back in May from a plant show hosted by the Fort Worth Cactus & Succulent Society at the botanical garden. He accidentally poked the TSA agent. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

So far he is making it through the harsh Midwest winter. I feel bad for the little guy. :cold_sweat: There’s a plant show coming up in March so hopefully with a bigger pot and new soil, I’ll get him feeling a little better.

Any other plant parents out there?


Good job keeping him going during winter. I know it can be a challenge.

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Thank you! I’m trying! He thrived in the summer. Left him in the yard 24/7. He loved it! :joy:


Glad summer was good to him! When we lived in Florida, it was much easier keeping succulents and bromeliads alive, inside or outside.

I am trying to keep these tillandsias going thru winter. Misting every day. Have my succulents out on the porch…so far, so good!


Air Plants are still the one thing I’m figuring out. I’m 1 for 2 so far, didn’t ever have one until last July or August. With the air being so dry here, it took some time to figure out how often to water it and how much.

Originally I was misting thoroughly 3x a week. One did OK, the other was ultimately a casualty of my tests.

Figured out they like a good actual soak in a bowl for 10-15min, 2x a week. Seems to be working better.


This sounds brilliant! Much like the actual nurturing of orchids (who also like the submersion in winter months). I was really hoping my lazy way would do the trick this time. Ha, the parallels to my drinking career are not missed by me!!

Thanks for the advice!

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Could be a VEEEERY different approach needed where you are (FL?)

Your air is much more humid, they should be getting plenty of moisture that way in conjunction with misting. They look good! I was just commenting on my own struggles and probably some plant murder guilt :sweat_smile:

At least the dead one still looks good where it is.