People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Thank you :blush: I’d really love another plant or two from it but I really don’t have much space. I’ve never done it before so wouldn’t know where to begin either :rofl: If I keep it in this pot will it suffocate and die?

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My friend who adopted the avocado just sent me this



I’ll pm it to you

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I…don’t know :sweat_smile:

They’ve looked a bit shrunken. Yesterday was watering day, but that didn’t help. Fearful I may have gotten them too much sun. We will see!

Sensitive butts :roll_eyes:


I’m not sure! I wouldn’t say everyone is a cacti hobbyist, but people seem to know more about these plants just from living here though, since many are native or just similar.

I have been growing standard succulents for 8-10 yrs, but am relatively new to cactus-specific…been a little under 2 years.

I do! Kept the tag. Delosperma Lehmannii. I thought they were really cool, too. They’re somewhat geometric, which is interesting.


Thank you! Imma get some of those!

8-10 years is still a long time and how cool you’re getting deeper into the matter now with the cacti! I started collecting them as a kid (I collected a lot of things…) but where I’m from there really weren’t that many different kinds to get back then. I have been looking to acquire a few new nice ones. I have two three now I really like. Probably standard ones but still. :heart::cactus:

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Same here! Back home I had very little to choose from, it was very niche. What I could find had often already been overwatered to death while sitting on the shelf

Having this much selection is incredibly overwhelming, in the best way possible :sweat_smile:

My best guess is you can keep it in that pot for quite a while but it will eventually get root bound and run out of room in the pot. You might be able to slow that process by trimming some of the leaves to keep the plant the size you want, but eventually it will, as you say, suffocate with too many roots. But honestly that could take a year or even years to happen. Hard to say (and I’m not familiar with that specific plant). Sometimes a hands off approach is a good one and if it looks like it’s not happy, we’ll cross that bridge when you come to it. It really is beautiful.

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Two stems… wow that’s nice. I have tried growing avocado plants myself… But after reaching 30cm plants they die :thinking:. Tried different things… more water less water, less sun.
They are really hard to grow.
Hope you have more luck with yours :wink::blue_heart::ok_hand:t2:

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This time yesterday, I had 3 pots :grimacing::blush:


So question, the gravel on the succulent pots. Does it serve a purpose? ( I reckon it does but thought I would ask) Lately I have had a small issue with fungus gnats ( I think they came in one of the plants I bought) it was suggested to stuff pot tops this way with gravel to prevent the larvae from getting oxygen. I would think though that it would also help keep moisture in the soil???


It’s mostly just for decoration, looks nicer (personal opinion, of course).

I’d imagine it does protect the soil from misc bullshit, I still have gnats sometime but not as common. So it might help!

It can contribute to moisture retention, but with a well-draining container and the proper soil mix it’s no problem :slight_smile:


@Dazercat I bought this baby for you.:sweat_smile:
She is a variety of your “favorite” prayer plant. I had no idea there were so many types until recently and they are sooooo beautiful.


I like the look of it too, I think I will get a truck load of gravel delivered next week.

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Aww…. How sweet.
It’s gorgeous.
Did you name it Eric, Dazercat or just DC? Or maybe Twinny :relaxed:
I love it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
It looks like the underside of the beautiful green leaves is a purple shade?

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Mhm mahogany.
Her name is Eric.


Well I’ve always been comfortable with my feminine side :blush:
So your saying the color is mahogany? Even prettier. You remember I don’t know my colors. :grimacing:

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Hooray for new shelving! More room for plants!!!

I’m searching for the right materials for the rod in front of the window project so that’s on hold for now. Plus, it is the coldest spot in the room come winter, so I might wait till spring anyway. The room is really coming together. It is going to be a comfort in the depths of winter.


I LOVE that room. Big windows :+1: very cozy

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