People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

I believe my other new peperomia might be a #3 “frost.” I also have a #10 piccolo banda (@Salty I think that’s the variety you have, too)


This is my little lady, I just repotted her. I think she is a peperomia…

Oh and my Dragons Tail grew his first tail! :dragon:


Amazing!!! The first one sure looks like it could be a peperomia. As I’ve been reading about them I’m so surprised how many different kinds there are! And also that most of them prefer less moist/humid conditions. It’s no wonder I almost killed my first one, because I assumed that since they are tropical plants that they would need to be kept moist. My bad!

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Thanks, I wasn’t actually sure what it was :+1: I was told it was a fig plant but wasn’t convinced.

@Its_me_Stella It is quit satisfying dusting the leaves :sweat_smile: My new house is so much lighter than my old apartment, it’s thriving. It hasn’t always looked this healthy.


It actually is a fig variety! But not the kind that would make fruit :wink: If you Google it you’ll see lots of nicknames. Yours is lovely!


I’m confused already :laughing:


Right?! I’m barely starting my houseplant education and it’s pretty complicated. I think I need to get a book.

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Tyler I found one of your plants at my local nursery! It’s a nerve plant (this made me chuckle and I wanted to buy one, almost did!) or Fittonia albivenis. The employee there said if you’re concerned about it getting too big you can easily pinch off some leaves around the edges to keep it the size you want. It should be repotted every 1-2 years but that’s typical to most houseplants to give them fresh potting soil. I hope this is helpful!


Thank you, yes, that’s exactly what it is, it was my one wishlist plant for a really long time and I couldn’t find them in any of my local garden centres, so I ordered a baby from a botanist online and I’m just so happy I’ve managed to grow it, thanks you for that, it’s good to know I don’t need to report it for a long time yet :smiley:


It’s huge for a peperomia obtusifolia wow :star_struck:
What I need in my home…Plants that don’t need alot of light or in-direct sunlight. I have no direct sunlight in my appartement :sob:
I am gone look for the peperomia obtusifolia to buy :pray:
Thanks for the info!


It’s like a photo of Mars.


oh! They are actually like little BRAINS!





Brian… come to the thread!!!

I started out with a dieffenbachia “Dumb cane” it was easy, also Zanzibar Gem “Zz plants” are super easy too. Rosa made a great suggestion with the snake plant I love them… hell I love them all.

I find the Zz plants grow really fast which can be fun.


Does anyone know what type of fern this is?

I was thinking about an “Asplenium Parvati”

Please correct me if I am wrong?



Today is the day to take the baby’s out of the nursery and set them free!


I have one of these but I moved it to a different room and 2/3rds of the leaves promptly fell off. Too close to the window perhaps, too much direct light? 🤷 It looks very sorry for itself now.


I think this variety does not like direct sunlight if I am not wrong.
Did you moved it from a indirect sunlight spot do a full sunlight spot?

I feel so sorry for your plant :scream::relieved:

Not full sunlight but more than the other spot. I think you are right, I kept it watered so I think it must be the light issue. Live and learn eh :upside_down_face:

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I think also any sudden change in conditions can cause leaf drop. It should be okay in the long run. Next time I’d suggest transitioning a plant more slowly, a few hours a day in the new spot for a few days, then maybe half a day, etc.