People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Super cutie :heartbeat: :heart_eyes: :two_hearts:

That’s my kiddo!!


Precious :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Another new leaf! The other prayer plant :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Ok so I tried something out and it worked so I thought I would share. Maybe some of you already do this??? I don’t know anyways I will share.

Plant pots with drainage holes are stupid expensive here, actually all plant pots are expensive. It seems though that the only ones that go on sale are the ones without holes so I decided to try my hand at drilling holes in pots!

It wasn’t hard at all…I had one big Oopsie and that was on a pot with a glaze on the bottom. The whole bottom came out of it hahah. Great drainage now!!! I just lined the pot with a plastic pot it worked fine, nobody will be the wiser.
(I added a photo for comic relief.)

So the drill bits I bought off Amazon. 1/2" Diamond masonary bits. Pack of 5 for 25 bucks. At home depot they were selling 1 for 25 dollars. Gross.

The holes are perfect and my plants are happy with their custom soil in their pretty pots with proper drainage.


Great idea making draining holes in the pots! :+1:
You make a nice big one to I can see :joy:

Plant pots with drainage holes over here are also really expensive.

What I do with the big plant pots which have no drainage holes I but some of those “hydrogranules” (not sure if this is the right translation) on the bottom.



Monstera like the water to wash through no?

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I’ve just started a new hobby and I’m loving it! Flower photography :blossom::ear_of_rice:

It’s been a lot of fun and I’m proud of the beautiful photos I’ve taken over the past couple weeks! :relaxed: I’ve decided to use it as another gift of sobriety. I’ve even started an IG page dedicated to this new fun thing, where I’m combining my lessons, thoughts and reflections on life in recovery with my new found love for flowers and photography :sparkling_heart:

If you’re interested in seeing my photos feel free to follow the account. I’ve called it learning_growing_becoming

Nature is so magnificent, it constantly leaves me in awe. Connection, for me, is always found in nature :butterfly::herb:

Love seeing all your beautiful posts on this thread, thank you everyone :relaxed:


Since moving this aloe plant into my room some of it died from me trying to center it in the pot, damn OCD, Lol
Also now that it’s getting watered there’s two random friends sprouting that I have been allowing to grow, should they be removed?


They aren’t going to hurt the aloe if you want to leave them to see what they turn into! That happens to me on occasion and I usually just pluck them out. It’s up to you!


Stopped because I thought the thread title was People in Recovery and Pants. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:




:joy::joy::joy::joy: (full sentence)


I like lurking this thread because I love plants but with so many cats and travel I just can’t settle down to take care of them. I saw this arrangement at the hotel today and thought it looked pretty cool.
Not as cool as Stella’s pants :jeans: :rofl:. But still pretty cool.


Hey :raised_hand:t2:
I realise you wrote this months ago so an oddly delayed response but had to say that my cats adore chewing the spider plant too. They’re still going strong so can’t be poisonous!
It’s a cat thing clearly :grinning:


I mounted my staghorned ferns, what a process!!! I hope the one on the right takes… :crossed_fingers:


Sun shade!
Because my shit was getting burnt. Cacti getting too much sun, go figure.
This will also keep my living room cooler, so win-win.
This one is 50% reduction (which is what was recommended) - will see how they do and adjust from there!
My agave is a fucking beast and takes full sun no problem, so I am curious to see how she does now. Can’t have anything happening to her especially, she was my first plant I got here.

Ridiculously busy at work so need to trim it up and nail in place some more later.


This is Shannon’s plant store. She is closing in on 5 years sobriety. They have almost daily stories of some cool looking plants!


Super cute!!!
Thanks for the share I am following her now.


New plant day

Melocactus, and MOAR BUTTS

Liking my lil “greenhouse”.