People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

I’m taking some of my babies to gift to my Mami! One of my string of hearts and one of the pups off of my pilea.


Awe she will love them.





Love seeing all the different plants! This one started off small in this little basket and then we moved it over and it’s been growing like crazy ever since! 🪴


Oh nice!!! Looks very happy.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is my beautiful new Pothos plant I am so excited! I only have 2, inspired by this thread, but finding plants really lift my spirits!


Oh that’s a beauty alright!!!

I am glad you found some inspiration here and that your spirit is being filled.





All of you and your plants are amazing! Such care for the plants!
@TMAC now that you have the sun shade are you still moving them from porch to porch?
Everyone’s plant babies look great!


I came home to happy plants!! (Mostly) And lots of new growth. This makes me consider a better watering schedule, because some clearly need more or less frequent watering. Ugh. Maybe I need a spreadsheet.

Enjoy the new leaves!


@RosaCanDo look at all that growth that is wonderful!

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And these poor babies…not so happy. Lost about half their leaves. I could have left them in a tray with water and that might have helped. Next time!
@Salty how is your peperomia doing at the office? I just can’t seem to keep these happy.


This is what happens when you just leave them alone LOL! :joy: almost a week away and some good soil and a good watering and left alone!

I’ll grab a photo when I’m back this week. I think it needs re-potted lol it’s starting to lean

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More! This parsley plant needs trimming (I need to cook something!) and this turtle vine is still one of my favorites. The silvery pothos thing (can never remember what it’s called) is taking off after I took starters from my big plant.


Very nice new growth @RosaCanDo I was thinking of doing a spread sheet myself. I am good at remembering not to water the “every 10-12” day plants on Wednesdays but remembering to water them before the next Wednesday or when I watered them is not happening.

Brining them home and having them settle in the new soil always makes me question if my humidity correct and if they are being watered enough in my “winter home”.

I was using a spray bottle but my monsteras do not like that it seems. They started to get little brown spots on the magnificent leaves almost like a water burn. Stopped that immediately… they seem to be doing well though so fingers crossed.

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New growth and I might have snuck a new plant in there too…

The monstera is coming along, I am keeping my hands to myself. :crazy_face:

One of these little andonasii cuttings sprouted new growth while it’s been sitting I water growing roots…

@RosaCanDo you were my inspiration for this silver pothos. I love her velvety leaves and she is pretty happy growing away.

This marble queen pothos (has some golden in there too) is going crazy. I have some fishing line across the wall I will let her climb on.

I think this is the new member… and I am not sure if he is a tineke or a doescheri rubber tree. They are pretty much the same except the
tineke is more compact. Time will tell I suppose.
I LOVE his leaves…he is a big difficult though due to the lightness of his leaves. He needs a lot of direct light so he sits under my grow light most of the time lately.

I was happy to see this beauty growing two new leaves they were hidden under the top leaves so I hadn’t noticed. Surprise!!!

And that ends the Stella plant show for today.
Good bye.


The water “burns” also happened to me on a couple plants. I still mist the turtle vine and a couple others. I think we are in similar situations with a winter season. I was just telling Eric that in some ways the climate in our house is more constant in the winter, which might be a reason for new growth.

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Yay! So much lovely. I want a monstera so badly but I just don’t have space right now.