People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

I think it looks pretty healthy. I believe it is fairly normal for older “leaves” to drop as they grow.

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Ok that’s good to hear. Is the soil meant to be dry or damp? And when I do water, is it just a small amount or a proper water?

Definitely let it dry out between watering, I usually stick my finger in the soil a couple inches deep to be sure. And a proper watering is good as long as you have very well draining soil. It won’t like to stay damp for long. And you’ve got it in a nice sunny spot so that’s good.


That was kind of my approach. Let it completely dry out, the surface anyway, and then water lightly. About once a week tops. And yeah, you mentioned the sun light regarding the other one so I just popped it next to it :+1:

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Fingers crossed! Adjust watering as needed - if you find more leaves dropping, I’d water less. They don’t need as much in Wintertime, either.


My pink syngonium has a legit pink leaf coming in and I am very excited! It appears to like the grow lights.


I went back to my favorite nursery this morning to get a cactus I saw last week but didn’t have the right pot for.

Little did I know that today was apparently new shipment day. Man there was some beautiful stuff. I found out during the week I’m getting TWO bonuses from work, so why not spend a smidge of it on something that makes me happy?

I also re-dressed anything that had black gravel (well, most) switching in the fine white grit. I like the look way better.

And, I am outta space.



I love this crazy looking begonia. It’s another one from the plant hospital at my local garden center. It really struggled for a long time so I let it be, but then I repotted it with better soil and it’s thriving! All those baby leaves are relatively new. So cool. Also, I’m plant-sitting for my friend and my payment is cuttings. I’m pretty excited about that!


Moved the tables back away from the edge and did some rearranging (I’ve got space for moooooore now :grimacing:). Did it so it’s essier to get to the smaller/shorter plants up front…I kept getting maimed reaching around the big spiky ladies.

Easier to view the collection this way, too. I can also now admire them from my couch.

I’ll have to see how the sun moves and where the light hits. Further back might mean they’ll get less sun time due to the overhang blocking some light in the earlier and later parts of the day. Eh, will adjust as needed. I like it for now.


I took some cuttings and small rooted bits of my friend’s plants today and I’m so excited!


Last night. Standing on my balcony, admiring plants aglow from the christmas lights, eating peanuts, watching Die Hard through the window. Peaceful.


Update from my avocado my friend adopted. It is still alive :blush:


Ya gotta do what ya gotta do!

Gonna dip below freezing tonight, and thus we have arrived at my first time shuttling the plant fam indoors.

Some could probably tolerate a freeze but I’m too lazy to identify and look up all ~2 dozen plants.

I kinda like 'em inside with me :joy:
Bathroom is the only place with room that I can shut off from Chief. He won’t touch them, but just in case.



Guess what I got for my birthday!!!

My very first… I am afraid they might die. This could say, " I don’t know shit about succulents"


Snake plant on the left is easy. Let dry completely between waterings, and ambient indoor daylight is good enough. Maybe near a window.

Middle ones, lotta sunlight and when in doubt, underwater (more or less the rule for all succulents). Might be tricky to keep healthy this time of yr in the neck of the woods I think you’re in. Might need some grow lights for winter. I always had poor luck keeping shit alive through winter back home.

No idea what your friend on the right is!

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Oh I have a grow light!!! My rubber plant has been hogging it but she can move over a bit. Thanks Tips.

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Yay for new leaves!

And flower buds on these Christmas Cactus cuttings :heart_eyes:




Next avatar maybe :wink:

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