People in Recovery and Plants! (Part 1)

Omg so happy to be here and to have watched the collections grow as I read the thread! I will be spamming y’all with pics of my collection now sorry/notsorry. :joy:

Well, that’s the first one. I’m getting error messages so I’m going to try another post.


Beautiful :heart_eyes: I so want one of those spotted plants (is it a begonia or something else?) Your presentation is amazing! Glad you’ve joined us here. I’m such a novice and hope to learn something from you!


Oh my goodness I’ve wanted that plant stand for so long!


Trying again…argh I can’t upload pics, it’s driving me crazy. Lol Is there a trick or anything, cause I’ve tried many times.

@RosaCanDo that is a begonia Maculata and I love it! I have some other baby begonias I’d love to show you if I could upload a pic. Lol They need a very airy soil and nice humidity but they like to grow pretty quickly so very rewarding.

@Yellow isn’t it cool? I love it.

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Trying yet again….

Well, I got one! Lol


That’s lush and enormous! Beauty. I have a few little baby starters of Tradescantia.


Whoa baby!!!

Love your plant stand too.

So happy you are joining us here.

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Aren’t they great? They are very easy and to get them bushier, you just take off the top part of the stalk at the node and stick them into soil. I’ve made about six plants from this one. Lol

My app keeps crashing when I try to add pics so I’m just giving up for now.

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Me too, thank you! I wish I could get more pics up. Lol

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Freed up some real estate on my balcony.

So of course, you fill it right away.


New leaf baby

Yay it worked!!


Got my pots for my shop! I lovvvvee them.


My Rattlesnake Calathea at night with her leaves up.


Pretty colors!

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Thank you! I hope everyone that comes in will agree with you!

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I absolutely love the purple-y mauve on the far right. :heart_eyes:

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Ugh mine is being weird!!!

She got two new leaves and then one died…

I’ve been a green thumb for a long time, but my babies have had a rough two years with me being basically buried in the bottle. I spent much of today repotting and watering and rearranging everything. I didn’t realize I was so neglectful until I stopped drinking. PLUS, spending time doing planty-chores helped pass a Saturday without thinking of alcohol.


Calathea are finicky for sure. They need more light than you think and higher humidity, especially in winter.


Oh yes, me too!! it’s called “textured burgundy” so it feels nice too! I love a lot of plants that have a burgundy color on the back so it really goes nicely. Glad you like it!